Board Minutes
Per CC&Rs, sections 3.7.2 and 3.7.3, the THHA Board is required to meet once a year with “special” meetings as needed. The Board typically meets the first Monday of every month, however, that may change depending on Board members’ conflicts with the date. Call a Board member for date, time, and location if you’d like to attend a meeting. Browse below to see the meeting schedule, the treasurer’s report, and business discussed during the meetings.
Date: 10/9/24 6pm
Location: Shelly's Home
Attending: Stacey W, Hans G, Pat G, Mike M, Shelly, Rosemary C, Franklin, Paul
Treasurer's Report:
*Balance: $22,045.21
Little Free Library:
*THHA is responsible for maintenance on odd years
Architectural Review Committee:
*3669 NW 123rd Pl / Liu landscaping / side / rear yard tiering and steps proposal was approved
*3912 NW Loy / Lowe tree removal(s) were approved
*3833 NW Loy / Kaetzel roof replacement was approved
Winter Storm Damage:
*Sprinkler system at entrance was repaired by Jaguar
*Retention pond fence repair has been completed
Entrance Landscaping Update:
*The Board plans an update in the near future, details TBD
Short Term Rentals:
*An amendment restricting short term rentals was approved with 44 YES votes and 3 NO votes - out of 61 total lots (72.1% of lots)
*THHA CCR procedure requires 65% of total lots (i.e., 40 lots) to vote YES in order for the amendment to be approved, so the amendment is approved.
Neighborhood Picnic:
*A splendid success and a good time was had by all
*Board captured ideas for continuous improvement for next year
Next Meeting:
12/4/24 @600pm @Cummings
Meeting Adjourned
Around 750pm
Date: 8/5/24 7pm
Location: George Home
Attending: Stacey W, Hans G, Pat G, Mike M, Shelly, Rosemary C, Jan Christof
Treasurer's Report:
*Balance: $49,025.30 (which will leave approximately $15K-25K after remaining insurance related payment checks are cashed by affected homeowners).
Architectural Review Committee:
Winter Storm Damage:
*Progress continues to be made without meaningful impediment. Miscellaneous remaining open items were discussed and next steps for resolving were planned.
Short Term Rentals:
*Ballots were mailed on 7/30/24.
*Ballots must be received by mail at the attorney's office by 8/30/24, however the Board has the option to extend this date.
*An email reminder to vote is planned to be sent around 7/12/24.
Entrance Landscaping Update:
*The Board agreed to have Jaguar Landscaping fix the irrigation pipes broken at the entrance
Neighborhood Picnic:
*Planned theme is Oktoberfest which will be catered
*Save the date: 9/15/24 4pm to 7pm
*Caterer is reserved
Next Meeting:
Details TBD
Meeting Adjourned
Around 845pm
Date: 7/10/24 7pm
Location: Goodell Home
Attending: Stacey W, Hans G, Pat G, Mike M, Shelly, Rosemary C, Paul C
Treasurer's Report:
*Balance: $53,095.68 (which will leave approximately $16,500 after insurance related payment checks are cashed by affected homeowners).
Short Term Rentals:
*The Board reviewed an updated amendment of the CC&Rs regarding Short Term Rentals.
*The Board voted to recommend the amendment to the homeowners.
*The Board agreed to have the attorney do a final refinement of the specific wording.
*Notification to the homeowners will be sent in the summer newsletter by mail 7/15, and by email on 7/17 per Oregon requirement.
Winter Storm Damage:
*Miscellaneous remaining open items were discussed and next steps for resolving were planned.
Architectural Review Committee:
*3840 Loy Ct paint color request was approved
Neighborhood Picnic:
*Planned theme is Oktoberfest which will be catered
Next Meeting:
8/5/24 @700pm @George's
Meeting Adjourned
Around 845pm
Date: 6/10/24 7pm
Location: Goodell Home
Attending: Stacey W, Hans G, Pat G, Mike M, Shelly and Rosemary C
Treasurer's Report:
*Balance: $65,544.64 (including $48,960.03 for insurance claims for which the payments haven't yet been disbursed - which will leave $16,584 after payments).
Neighborhood Picnic:
*Planned theme is Oktoberfest
*Pat will reserve the tables and chairs
*Shelley shared the "Save the Date" flyer she designed and board approved it for distribution to all homeowners. Shelley will design the invitation once final details are known.
Storm Damage:
*HOA insurance claims with State Farm have been paid and deposited into the HOA account.
*No payments have been disbursed, disbursements will be made in June, reciepts for specific payments will be kept on file.
*All open items related to Clean Water Services have been resolved and the President will summarize and keep documentation for future reference.
Short Term Rentals:
*The Board reviewed a proposed amendment of the CC&Rs regarding Short Term Rentals.
*Stacey summarized notes for follow-up with the advising attorney before finalizing.
Board Changes:
*Rosemary is planning to step down from the board.
*Plan to recruit a replacement before and during the picnic - contact any board member if interested.
Architectural Committee:
*Approved request from the Heads to replace vegetation damaged in Jan storm
*Approved Leafblad fence repair
Next Meeting:
7/10/24 @700pm @Goodell's
Meeting Adjourned
Around 830pm
Date: 4/9/24 7pm
Location: Goodell Home
Attending: Stacey W, Paul C, Hans G, Pat G, Mike M, and Rosemary C
Treasurer's Report:
*Balance: $18,522.18 (minus $1,500 to Jaguar for storm cleanup check not cashed yet)
*2024 Dues Outstanding: all dues are in
*The Board has a plan to add Stacey W and Hans and remove Lori Q (and Sara A if she is still on there)
Storm Damage:
3/14/24 notes included for Reference
*HOA incurred damages: 1) Artemio has done some work to clean up the storm damage in the common area at the entrance - the Board intends to submit a claim to insurance to cover the common areas clean up. 2) Damage to the brick wall to the west of the entrance. 3) Tract A has fallen trees which damaged the fence around the retention pond. The fence needs to be fixed and the trees removed.
*The HOA will file claims with its insurer for these three damages.
*Regarding storm damage on home owner's individual properties, the home owners should be working with their home owner's insurance.
4/9/24 Update
*Pat and Stacey submitted a claim to State Farm, but have not been contacted yet
*The Board agreed to remove the southernmost two pear trees along the east side of the entrance. Left open is the decision to remove / replace the remainder of the pear trees at the entrance.
Architectural Committee:
*Approved Shelly Michel's request for removal of 4 pine trees in the backyard at 3824 NW Loy Ct
Neighborhood Picnic:
*Planned theme is Oktoberfest
Short Term Rentals:
*The Board plans to review a proposal regarding Short Term Rentals at the next meeting
Next Meeting:
5/14/24 7pm @Goodell's
Meeting Adjourned
Around 830pm
Mar '24 Elections: Officers
*President - Stacey Wainwright
*Secretary - Pat Goodell
Mar '24 Elections: Other Board Director Roles
*Treasurer- Hans George
*Architecture Committee Lead - Rosemary Casamassa
*Special Projects Lead - Shelley Michel
All elections were unanimous.
Date: 3/14/24 7pm
Location: Goodell Home
Attending: Pat, Hans, Stacey W, Paul C, Mike M, Rosemary, Shelly
Treasurer's Report:
*Balance: $16879.70
*2024 Dues Outstanding: 6 dues oustanding, reminders will be sent this week
*The Board will add Stacey W and Hans and remove Lori Q
Storm Damage:
*HOA incurred damages: 1) Artemio has done some work to clean up the storm damage in the common area at the entrance - the Board intends to submit a claim to insurance to cover the common areas clean up. 2) Damage to the brick wall to the west of the entrance. 3) Tract A has fallen trees which damaged the fence around the retention pond. The fence needs to be fixed and the trees removed.
*The HOA will file claims with its insurer for these three damages.
*Regarding storm damage on home owner's individual properties, the home owners should be working with their home owner's insurance.
Officer Elections:
*President - Stacey Wainwright
*Secretary - Pat Goodell
Other Board Director Roles:
*Treasurer- Hans George
*Architecture Committee Lead - Rosemary Casamassa
*Special Projects Lead - Shelley Michel
All elections were unanimous.
Meeting Adjourned
Around 830pm
Special HOA Meeting: Election of the Thompson Highlands HOA Board Directors
Date: 2/13/24 7pm at the Goodell residence as per prior written announcement
The Nominees for HOA Board Directors: CCRs specify 5 Directors should be elected
- Rosemary Cassamassa
- Hans George
- Shelley Michel
- Mike Mitlehner
- Stacey Wainwright
The nominees gave a brief introduction to the HOA members present
Pat explained the voting process
The attendees voted by paper ballot
The proxys were printed out
Quruom is 20% of Lots represented = 13 [Roundup(61*.2)]
The HOA has a quorum with 17 Lots represented (10 Lots represented in attendence + 7 by proxy).
Homeowners in attendance: 12 Homeowners representing 10 Lots
1 - Rosemary Cassamassa
2 - Hans George
3 - Shelley Michel
4 - Mike Mitlehner
5 - Stacey Wainwright
6 - Pat Goodell
7 - Franklin Liu
8 - Patrick & Brett
9 - Mony
10 - Tom & Marjorie Wilson
Homeowners voting by proxy: 10 Homeowners representing 7 Lots
1 - Kusha and Kris Janati
2 - Julie and Scott Baldwin
3 - Rob Aslett
4 - Myde Boles
5 - Mary Taylor
6 - Shannon & Mike Neal
7 - Heather Pool
All nominees for Board Director were voted for unanimously by all voters
The elected Thompson Highlands Board of Directors are:
- Rosemary Cassamassa
- Hans George
- Shelley Michel
- Mike Mitlehner
- Stacey Wainwright
Meeting Adjourned
Around 8pm
Members Present: Pat, Mike, Hans, Shelley, Paul, Rosemary, (guest) Stacey
Date: 1/25/24
HOA Business
- Treasurer’s Report
-- Balance: $10,828,93
- Storm Damage to trees on HOA property
-- HOA has filed a claim with State Farm (HOA's insurer)
-- Insurer is in process of reviewing various properties affected by storm damage
- The annual stuffing of the dues / roster envelopes was performed
- Board elections
-- The Board discussed the attorney's guidance regarding how to move forward with voting on Short Term Rentals in the neighborhood
-- A CCR compliant election of Board Directors will be required prior to proposing CCR amendments
-- A letter will be included with the roster / dues statements describing the Board Director's election procedure and timing
Meeting Adjourned
About 9:00pm
Next Meeting Scheduled
2/13/24 7:00pm
Item description
Members Present: Pat, Mike, Hans, Shelley, Paul, Rosemary
Date: 12/03/23
HOA Business
- Treasurer’s Report
-- Balance: $12,074.45
- Short Term Rentals (STRs)
-- Based on the informal poll conducted earlier in 2022 where a majority of respondents indicated support for banning STRs, the board continued to review additional information and attorney recommendations.
-- Additional questions for the attorney were captured for clarification.
Meeting Adjourned
About 6:30pm
Next Meeting Scheduled
12/13/23 3:30pm
Members Present: Pat, Mike, Hans, Heather, Shelley, Sheri (guest), Jan-Christof (guest), Rosemary
Date: 8/14/23
HOA Business
- Treasurer’s Report
-- Balance: $19,267.74
- Neighborhood picnic - 9/10/23 4-7pm
-- Picnic will be in 123rd Pl cul de sac
-- Board has hired Comedy Sportz for the entertainment
-- Ochoa's Taco truck is available, will serve from 4-6pm
-- Games and Trivia game will be available
-- Facepainting for kids
-- Pat is keeping the list of who is bringing / doing what in prep
- Short Term Rentals
-- Board discussed the possibility of a neighborhood Town Hall meeting focused on short term rental options and potential next steps
--- Tentatively plan to hold a Zoom meeting shortly after the picnic
--- Will send out notification >10 days in advance and remind at the picnic
- Entry landscaping
-- HOA plans to update landscaping in the fall (better time to plant)
-- Focus on drought and deer resistant plants
-- Additional plans TBD
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30pm
Next Meeting Scheduled
Members Present: Pat, Mike, Hans, Paul, Heather, Shelley, Sheri (guest), Jan-Christof, Rosemary
HOA Business
- Announcements
-- Welcome to Shelley Michel our newest board member!
- Treasurer’s Report
-- Balance: $19,667.81 (all dues have been paid)
- Neighborhood picnic - 9/10/23 4-7pm
-- Picnic will be in 123rd Pl cul de sac
-- Board has hired Comedy Sportz for the entertainment
-- Ochoa's Taco truck is available, will serve from 4-6pm
-- Games and Trivia game will be available
-- Facepainting people TBD
-- Pat is keeping the list of who is bringing / doing what in prep
- Short Term Rentals
-- Board discussed the possibility of a neighborhood Town Hall meeting focused on short term rental options and potential next steps
--- Tentatively plan to hold a Zoom meeting shortly after the picnic
--- Will send out notification >10 days in advance and remind at the picnic
- Entry landscaping
-- HOA plans to update landscaping in the fall (better time to plant)
-- Focus on drought and deer resistant plants
-- Additional plans TBD
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30pm
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday Aug 14, 2023
Members Present: [Pat, Mike, Hans, Heather, Shelley (guest), Sheri (guest), Emily (guest)]
HOA Business
- Treasurer’s Report
-- Balance: $20,184.98
-- No dues left to collect
- Neighborhood picnic - Date is 9/10/23
-- Picnic will be in 123rd Pl cul de sac
-- Board has hired Comedy Sportz for the entertainment
-- Ochoa's Taco truck is available, will serve from 4-6pm
-- Games and Trivia game will be available
-- Facepainting people TBD
-- Lots of miscellaneous prep to be locked in before the picnic
- Short Term Rentals
-- Initial poll seeking neighborhood perspective on support for or against short term rentals:
--- 67% of households responded
--- 63% indicated a preference to not allow
--- 37% indicated a preference to allow
-- A zoom call will be scheduled with the attorney to ask clarifying questions and plan next steps
--- 6/21 at 130p
- Entry landscaping
-- HOA plans to update landscaping in the fall (better time to plant)
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30pm
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday July 17, 2023
Members Present: [Pat, Mike, Hans, Heather, Paul, Shelley (guest), Jan-Christoph (guest)]
Treasurer’s Report
- Balance: $19,911.17
- 2 dues left to collect
New Business
- Neighborhood picnic
-- Picnic will be in 123rd Pl cul de sac
-- Board has hired Comedy Sports for the entertainment
-- Emily volunteered to design the flyer
-- The theme will be Sports!
-- Plans for a trivia game, possibly corn hole or Viking Chess, and the kid's fishing game
- Entry landscaping
-- HOA plans to update landscaping
-- Darla and Glenn have thoughts on appropriate plant material and will coordinate
- Short Term Rentals
-- About 1/3rd of the neighborhood has responded
-- The board will extend the request for feedback by another 2 weeks
Meeting Adjourned
About 9:15pm
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday May 5, 2022
Meeting held at Goodell’s home at 7 pm
Treasurer’s Report:
-The current balance in the account is $19,222.29
-All HOA dues have been paid except one.
Old Business:
-Short Term Rentals: A draft of the informal poll being sent to homeowners was
approved with the following additions: Include a “respond by” date of May, 2023;
Clarify that the informal poll mentioning restrictions is not inclusive but will be defined
completely by the Attorney in the Final Amendment to be voted on by .
Pat will send an email to all homeowners letting them know to look for the letter with the
attachment of the Informal Poll. the letter with the Informal Poll attachment will be sent
out by April 22. We agreed to keep the short response time as there is more likely to be a
timely response that way.
New Business:
-Request for Approvals: The Board approved the new siding and painting of the home
at 3824 NW Loy Court: After a site inspection and review of the plan details, the Board
approved the new landscaping plan at 3701 NW 124th Place, including addition of
artificial turf in some areas. The goal of the plan was to minimize the significant water
problem the homeowner has in the front and back yards. The Board agreed to approve
artificial turf on a case by case basis. The homeowner in this case is using the top of the
line product of a highly regarded synthetic turf company, is using a well respected
landscaping company to do the work, and most significantly, the artificial turf will not be
visible from the street. There are no plans that we will approve artificial turf on a front
lawn with street level visibility.
-2023 Neighborhood Picnic: The Board agreed that we would contract with Comedy
Sportz for our entertainment at the picnic. The cost was reasonable and they will be good
to work with and a couple of Board members have already seen them and agree they are
an entertaining family friendly audience participation comedy troupe. Pat will contact
them to book them - no deposit needed.
The date of the picnic will be Sunday, September 10.
Next Meeting to be held Monday, May 8th. Several people volunteered at last year’s
picnic to help the Board with special projects. We’ll invite them to come to this Board
meeting to be on the Picnic Committee. We’ll make picnic planning the main topic on
the agenda for the meeting. Pat will invite them to come.
Pat Goodell, President (in the absence of Mike Mitlehner, Secretary)
Members Present: Pat, Mike, Hans, Paul, Heather
Treasurer’s Report
- Balance: $11,715.04
Old Business
New Business
- 3 dues for 2023 have been recieved to date
- Board reviewed the newsletter - nice job, Pat!
- The board is in contact with a lawyer to understand a path forward w.r.t. short term rentals
- Welcome to the neighborhood Navin and Ly and their 3 yo daughter who moved into 12343 NW Hibbard!
- Rosemary and Glenn will be staining the Little Free Library in the next couple of days when the weather will be nicer
Meeting Adjourned
About 9:00pm
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday Feb 15, 2022 5PM (w/lawyer)
IMeeting: November 9, 2022
Meeting Time: 7:01 PM
Meeting Place: Meeting at Pat Goodell’s Home
In Attendance:
Pat Goodell, Rosemary Casamassa, Heather Pool, Hans George. Not Present: Paul Cummings, Mike Mitlehner
Approved Minutes Posted: Approved August Minutes were posted on website by Hans
Treasurer’s Report: Paul
-Account Balance - $15,789.90 after majority of the HOA Picnic Bills were paid
-HOA Picnic cost $3409.19 with almost 1/2 of that spent for the entertainment, Illusionist, Hart Keene
-Artemio’s landscaping bill was paid, covering Jan-June 2022 with monthly charge of $200 - Bill was $$1800 total. This did not include the major tree trimming which was completed in July 2022. Clarification by Artemio needed for what the additional $600 was for - by Paul, Hans or Pat?
-2023 Proposed Budget to follow after Paul returns.
-$150/mo HOA dues to be raised to $200/mo, effective January 2023. Pat will send another reminder to homeowners this month so they won’t be surprised when the dues statement arrives in January.
Old Business:
-Rosemary and Glenn will stain the Little Free Library after having examined it and determining it needs some refreshing.
-The general consensus in After Action Reports from the Board was that the HOA Picnic was very successful with over 100 people in attendance; everyone said they had a great time, the entertainment was outstanding and we should plan to have similar entertainment in the future; there was too much food purchased ; in the future we should cater the primary food entree with neighbors bringing side dishes and not bring desserts if we order a Costco cake; Pat will contact Comedy Sports about doing the entertainment for next year’s picnic.
-Hans will post the pictures from the picnic on the website. Pat will forward them to him.
New Business
-There were several people who volunteered on the Picnic sign-up sheet for helping the Board with special projects. Pat will call them to discuss how they can help.
-Neighbor, Darla McGary gave us several suggestions on how to enhance our entrance landscaping; using perennials such as Cat Mint that are deer resistant, rather than annuals. Keep it simple; replace dead tree that’s been removed with the same camellias (3 on each side would be good) that are planted along the wall to the west; Remove Fox Glove plants; Replace thorny bushes with ornamental grasses. Important to retrofit the watering system with drip attachment to reduce overwatering; and have the soil tested to determine if it’s got any bacteria that needs to be eliminated before planting anything. Having soil tested will be the first step. Rosemary will ask Glen if he knows who can do that.
-Rosemary will develop a proposed schedule of work to be done for Artemio to follow and after the Board finalizes it, Hans and Selina will translate it for Artemio.
-We’d like Artemio to itemize his billing statements so that will be included in the work proposal. Pat will ask Paul if he prefers to continue receiving the landscaping statements 2x a year or monthly.
-Short - rentals continue to be an issue with neighbors. So, to determine what we can legally do, it’s been advised that we consult a legal expert. Pat will contact the legal team that specializes in HOAs that was recommended by Thompson Woods’ Property Management company. Pat will ask if Heather can respond to whoever responds to Pat’s initial contact with legal team. -Hans said he can update the new homeowners’ info on the website and can print out the 2023 Roster for mailing in January.
- December 14 was suggested as date for a Christmas/Holiday potluck with spouses. Pat will send out an email to get consensus on a date to do it.
Next Meeting Date: January 11, 2023 for stuffing envelopes for dues statements, etc. Pat will confirm who is going to be able to do what.
Meeting Adjourned: About 9 pm
Submitted by Pat Goodell for Mike Mitlehner, Secretarytem description
Meeting: 8/15/22
Time: 7PM
Location: Pat Goodell residence
Members Present: [Pat, Mike, Rosemary, Heather]
Treasurer’s Report: Balance: $20,724.29
New Business:
Arch Committee approved paint color for front door at 23378 NW Welsh
Old Business:
Little Free Library: Rosemary examined, looks good.
Neighborhood Picnic: 124th Cul de Sac
Flowers: we’ll use what Mike has and supplement if needed from grocery store.
Water Balloon Toss - Hans has agreed to organize/run the game. Can't use "automatic fill" balloons because they're too small and there are too many tiny pieces of balloons left after they break.
Dunk Booth: skip.
Candy Walk: will have for kids.
Circus Trivia: Pat working on it.
Face Painting: Riley and Emily will be doing this.
Rosemary: purchasing burgers and veggie burgers.
Rick: water and lemonade.
All: bring ice chests.
Old Friends: Mike to invite the Quirings.
Signup Sheet: Hans
Decor: Pat has plastic tablecloths.
Music for the Cake Walk: we’ll use someone’s phone.
Unicyclist: Hans’s nephew will.
Shave Ice Truck: skip - too expensive.
Invitations: sent out, Pat will send another on the last day of August.
Popcorn Machine: skip - too expensive. Rosemary will bring big bags from Costco.
First Responders: Pat invited them, but they won’t be able to make it.
Acknowledgement of neighbors who helped out during Covid.
Setup: 2PM
Drinks: Paul will get.
Water: recruit Brett or Karen’s husband (need someone from 124th Pl so we can keep water filled.
Foil Trays: Pat has.
Grilling Tools: Hans and Paul will bring.
Bring extra serving spoons if you remember, same for pot holders / trivets.
Sheet Cake: Heather will pickup 1 from Costco.
IIn Attendance:
Hans George, Heather Pool, Pat Goodell, Paul Cummings
Approved Minutes Posted: June Minutes were posted on website by Hans Treasurer’s Report: Paul
-Account Balance - $20,766.57
-There have been no recent bills from Artemio but it’s expected that his next bill will reflect that his monthly charge will have increased from $150/mo to $200/mo.
Old Business:
-Artemio completed the tree trimming at the front entrance
-The insurance claim for the damage done at the front entrance by car running into it has been closed as the damage was repaired by someone (we don’t know who) so there will be no insurance claim to make.
-Short-term rentals are still a matter of discussion for the future. For the next year we will utilize the THHA Short Term Rentals Guidelines, keeping open the possibility that we may have to have a homeowners’ 60% vote to amend the CC&Rs regarding whether to continue to allow them, to follow the Washington County guidelines (if they finalize them), or not allow short-term rentals at all.
New Business:
-Approval for new roof by buyers of home at 12278 NW Hibbard - CertainTeed Presidential TL, Shadow Gray. New owners won’t be moving in until end of August, early September.
-(The above approval had to be done by regular email rather than through the website because that link doesn’t seem to be working - this wasn’t discussed at the meeting).
-Hans and Selina will visit the new neighbors at 3824 NW Loy Court. We have no contact information for them unless Paul is able to find it when he receives the Title Company closing documents.
-Neighborhood Picnic discussion — all details were discussed with jobs organized and deadlines decided. The document for this will be posted on website separately under “Announcements” heading.
Next Meeting Date: August 8, Meeting Adjourned: About 8:30 pm description
Board Members Present: Pat Goodell, Heather Pool, Mike Mitlehner, Hans George, Paul Cummings
Treasurer’s Report:
-The current balance in the account is $20,835.20
-There are no outstanding HOA dues
New Business:
Accident at the Entry:
-A car ran off Thompson Road the evening of Jun 1st around 10PM damaging landscaping and lighting at the entrance. No medical attention was required. The car was towed.
-The Board will contact our insurance provider to look into next steps to file a claim for repair costs.
-The board will have cleanup and repair done by Jaguar Landscaping.
Annual Picnic Planning:
-Date for the 2022 picnic is set for Sept 11th in the 124th cul de sac. Hot dogs, hamburgers, garden burgers will be available. Bring a side.
Old Business:
-None to report
Next Meeting to be held July 11th at 7PM.
Board Members Present: Pat Goodell, Heather Pool, Rosemary Casamassa, Hans George
Board Members Absent: Paul Cummings, Mike Mitlehner -Meeting held at Goodell’s home at 7 pm
- Treasurer’s Report:
-The current balance in the account is $20,858.74
-There are no outstanding HOA dues
-The landscaper, Artemio of Jaguar Landscaping, will be raising his monthly bill from $150/mo to $200/mo. due to all of the increase in his costs. We had agreed last year that this would be reasonable as long as he let us know ahead of time.
Old Business:
-We’ve scheduled our cleaning/maintenance of the Little Free Library for June 6 at 7 pm. We take turns with Bauer Creek HOA and they did it last year.
-Board approved the Spring Newsletter with a few minor changes.
-Heather reported that she cleaned the mailbox on Welsh, removing moss and debris from the brick boxes
New Business:
-The request for paint color approval at 12512 NW Welsh was approved.
-The request for approval of deck covering at 12408 Welsh was approved. Rosemary will send out formal notification to owners.
-Bid for trimming low overhanging branches from trees bordering Thompson Rd as well as the trees overhanging the sidewalk from homes on Loy Court was $765 from Artemio. The Board approved this charge. Hans will let Artemio know he can proceed with the work.
-Three mailboxes were tampered with one night in April but all boxes were able to be repaired by owners and mail delivery was resumed.
Next Meeting to be held June 6 at Rosemary’s home after we meet at the Little Free Library.
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Goodell, President (in the absence of Mike Mitlehner, Secretary)Item description
Members Present: Hans, Mike, Rosemary, Pat, Heather
Treasurer’s Report
- Balance: $21,305.74
- All dues for '22 have been received
Old Business
- Entryway repair: board is in the process of getting estimates for repairing the damage done during the winter.
- Neighborhood picnic: date set for 9/11/22
- Board voted to approve paying $150 for submitting an appeal of Washington County's approval of Thompson Crossing development's request to accept exceptions to "line of sight" requirements on Thompson Road.
New Business
- Website has been updated and cut over to the new hosting service.
- New form for submitting architectural approvals does not have the ability to include pictures. Hosting service can enable this for a fee. Board decided to add the service as a trial for the next year.
- Short term rentals: WA county expects to have determined rules within a year.
- 12487 NW Hibbard: request to approve new fence: approved
- 12565 NW Welsh: request to approve new fence: approved
- Low tree branches along sidewalk on Thompson Rd: the branches will need to be trimmed up. Board will check on the situation and determine next steps.
- Mossy mailbox: some treatment with vinegar will be done.
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30pm
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday May 9, 2022 7:00 PM
Members Present
Hans, mike, rosemary, pat, heather
Old Business
Website has been updated, but cutover to new site has not be completed. Target to get transition done on 4/2.
New Business
HOA picnic planned for September 11th.
Turf repair at entrance: proposal for fixing and putting rocks to prevent for future being assessed.
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday Apr 18, 2022 7:00 PM
Members: Mike, Pat, Hans, Paul, Rosemary, Veronica (new website demo)]
# Treasurer’s Report
- $17,762.82
# Old Business
- None to report
# New Business
- The board reviewed a demo of the new HOA website being created by Veronica G
- The board discussed options and suggestions which will be incorporated in the next rev
- Paul will send in a '22 budget to March meeting for board approval
# Meeting Adjourned
Around 840PM
# Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday, Mar 16 7PM
Members: Hans, Mike, Rosemary, Pat, Heather, Paul
# Treasurer’s Report
- $16,451.37
# Old Business
# New Business
- Dues will be printed in Jan, fallback plan to handwrite names and addresses if mail-merge is no longer functional.
- Website redesign: the board reviwed the website redesign requirements. A few board members will review the requirements with Veronica G over the holidays. The plan will be to build out the website incrementally.
- Trakul request for paint color is approved.
- Cross request for landscaping improvements is approved.
# Meeting Adjourned
About 9:00pm
# Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday Jan 12, 2022 7:00 PM
Members: Pat, Paul, Heather, Rosemary, Hans
# Treasurer’s Report
- Paul Reported there are No outstanding HOA Dues. He also provided the current balance in bank account. (Amount to be posted when
I find my notes.)
# Old Business
- The man who destroyed 2 cluster mailboxes in our neighborhood and who has been in jail since sentencing about 2 years ago is expected to be paroled shortly. Assuming he gets a job, he is to start paying our HOA a monthly
amount of $25 to pay off the debt he owes to the HOA for our $500 insurance deductible for the purchase of new mailboxes. He will also pay back the insurance company for the amount they covered for the purchase and
installation of the mailboxes.
Hans reported that his daughter would like to design our new website. Heather said her son has too many other jobs now to be able to take on this project. We will employ Hans’ daughter to take on this project. Mike will work up a proposal
of what would be needed for a functional website that’s easily accessible to Board members as well as homeowners. We will determine the amount to be paid as a flat fee for the job and discuss the plans that Mike works up at the
November meeting.
Guidelines for Short-term rentals in Thompson Highlands was discussed and further discussions were tabled until after the holidays as we investigate all options for making wise and appropriate decisions about how to proceed. It’s
suggested that we need to employ an attorney to ensure that what we do is legal. This is a topic that will be important to finalize in the next several months but will be tabled until after the Hollidays.
# New Business
- Minutes prepared by Pat Goodell, substituting for Mike who was unable to attend the meeting
- It’s expected that we will have Mail Merge capability to print and send out HOA Dues statements at our January meeting. We may not yet have ability to print the Roster but we’ll do that and mail separately if necessary.
Paul and Rosemary will have 3 and possibly 4 “new neighbors” to greet in November. Names and addresses will hopefully be available at November meeting.
# Meeting Adjourned
About 8:45pm
# Next Meeting Scheduled
Wednesday, November 10. Location - TBD
Board Members Present
Hans George, Heather Pool, Mike Mitlehner, Pat Goodell, Rosemary Casamassa
Treasurer’s Report
Old Business
New Business
Approved request for installation of solar panels at 12370 NW Hibbard Dr
Guidelines for AirBnB type rentals of property – The board will consider developing text to more clearly define boundary conditions for short term rentals – Based on initial findings a request for a CCR amendment may be considered
Redesigning the HOA website – Existing website is due for an update – Requirements for a new website will be written up – Plan to request a web developer to build out the website
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:45pm
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday Oct 11, 2021 7:00 PM
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Hans George, Heather Pool, Mike Mitlehner, Pat Goodell, Paul Cummings
Treasurer’s Report
1 dues left outstanding, is expected to be paid shortly
Old Business
None to report
New Business
Picnic pre-planning
THHA Picnic
Sept. 12 in the 124th culdesac
Theme is Olympic Games Picnic
Games: corn hole tourney is proposed, possibly ping pong, Hans to architect competition framework, Pat will have a few kid games
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30pm
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday, Aug 9, 7:00pm
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Heather Pool, Lori Quiring, Mike Mitlehner, Pat Goodell, Paul Cummings, Powell Quiring, Rosemary Casamassa
Treasurer’s Report
2 dues left to collect
Old Business
New Business
Rosemary reached out to Artinio, turned on water, replaced dead flowers.
THHA Picnic
Sept. 12 in the 124th culdesac
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday, July 12, 7:03
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Heather Pool, Lori Quiring, Mike Mitlehner, Pat Goodell, Paul Cummings, Powell Quiring, Rosemary Casamassa
Treasurer’s Report
3 dues left to collect
Old Business
New Business
12195 NW Welsh request for approval of ninja rig, 10ft tall - approved pending neighbor approval
3689 NW 124th Place approval for front yard landscaping - approved pending neighbor contact
Little Free Library - maintained by Bauer Creek. Next year it is THHA responsibility to clean
Spring Newsletter - Pat is working and will send it via email.
Mike will become the secretary (replace Powell)
Rosemary will become the architectural chair (replace Mike)
Rosemary will be the lanscaping manager
Thompson Road Safety Community Meeting will be posted in Spring newsletter
THHA Picnic
Sept. 12 in the 124th culdesac
Consider - Ochohas Lupitas Taco truck
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday, June 7, 7:03
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Lori Quiring, Mike Mitlehner, Pat Goodell, Paul Cummings, Powell Quiring, Rosemary Casamassa
Treasurer’s Report
4 dues left to collect
Old Business
New Business
12420 Hibbard, replace roof with CertainTeed Presidential - approved
12420 Hibbard, Heather will welcome
Flowers have come up at the entrance that look nice
We discussed the issue of a neighbor being required to trim trees that are blocking their neighbor’s view. Since there is nothing in the CC&Rs that require someone to trim their trees if they don’t want to, nor is there any “right to a view” in Washington County or Oregon State regulations, we, as a Homeowners Association, don’t have the authority to require someone to trim their trees to protect someone else’s view.
THHA Picnic
Sept. 12 in the 124th culdesac
Buffet style may not be possible for health concerns
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday, May 10, 7:02
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Heather Pool, Lori Quiring, Mike Mitlehner, Pat Goodell, Paul Cummings, Powell Quiring, Rosemary Casamassa
Treasurer’s Report
3/4 dues have been received
Old Business
Stacey and Pat sent a mail to the Washing County Commisioner to connect to a traffic engineer.
12447 NW Welsh, dry rot, 2nd floor window. Will open up from outside to inspect and repair. If it matches the existing window, siding and color - approved, subject to matching colors.
12296 NW Hibbard, replace brick with cultured stone and landscape improvements - approved.
New Business
Lawn service parking was too close to the corner. Tuesday is typical.
Powerwash the mailboxes - Lori scraped with a wire brush they are pretty dirty, 30 min would probably do it.
THHA Picnic
Sept. 12 in the 124th culdesac.
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday, Apr 12, 7:02
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Heather Pool, Lori Quiring, Mike Mitlehner, Pat Goodell, Paul Cummings, Powell Quiring, Rosemary Casamassa
Treasurer’s Report
1/3 dues have been received
Old Business
Board has been asked to present on the Community Participant Meetingupdate on Thompson Road safety issues. The safest thing is to straighten out the road. Meeting at the CPO, 8:45 pm, Feb 9, update on. - Waiting for pat to send the title to put into the meeting.
New Business
12420 Hibbard Drive - new residents
12447 NW Welsh, dry rot, 2nd floor window. Will open up from outside to inspect and repair. If it matches the existing window, siding and color it is automatically approved. Any changes must be approved. Mike will email.
12296 NW Hibbard, replace brick with cultured stone. Mike will email.
THHA Picnic
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday, Mar 8, 7:02
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Mike Mitlehner, Pat Goodell, Paul Cummings, Rosemary Casamassa
Treasurer’s Report
All 2021 dues are in
Old Business
HOA web presence next steps
New Business
Approved Gorger request for removal of distressed tree in front yard
Approved Gorger exterior paint color
Topic for Q4 discussion: possible neighborhood work party next year
THHA Picnic
Regrettably, due to the significant increase in Covid-19 spread, the board made the decision to cancel the 2021 neighborhood picnic.
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:20pm
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday Sept 13, 2021 7:00 PM
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Lori Quiring, Pat Goodell, Paul Cummings, Powell Quiring, Rosemary Casamassa
Treasurer’s Report
All homeowners have paid dues for 2020
Old Business
There a transformer box behind 3876 NW Loy Ct.
Tool to losen bolts and change direction of lights. Location:
transformer box
Magnet control for brightness, Location:
transformer box
Pat (has two will give one to Mike)
New Business
Coordination of Request for Approval of Improvements between Mike and Rosemary. Rosemary is the new partner with Mike on the Architectural Committee
$150 dues for 2021
Lori and Powell will do the mailings this year
Approval policy:
Home and property improvement approval text on should be improved. Something like: Review at the regularly scheduled board meeting, typically first Monday of the month - Powell
THHA Picnic
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday, Jan 11, 7:02
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Heather Pool, Lori Quiring, Pat Goodell, Paul Cummings, Powell Quiring, Rosemary Casamassa
Treasurer’s Report
Recent expenses:
Lighting check was paid at %50
Jaguer landscaping bill
Old Business
Entrance lighting. Flood light on west side is possible. A west side light can be added in the future for the cost of the light since the electrical hook up is in place. There is a locked transformer box behind 3876 NW Loy Ct. Pat has a key. There are two more keys.
Heather greet new neighbors:
12340 NW Welsh Dr
12517 NW Welsh Dr - Gwen Flemming and Rick Turner
3685 123rd Place - New neighbors
New Business
Board Approval policy:
Discussion on approval schedule text to add to the web site. Text suggested: Approvals for improvements, paint color, roofs, etc will be considered at the next regularly scheduled board meeting. Typically first Monday of the month. See CC&Rs for required approvals.
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday, November 2 7:01
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Heather Pool, Lori Quiring, Mike Mitlehner, Pat Goodell, Paul Cummings, Powell Quiring, Rosemary Casamassa
Treasurer’s Report
Old Business
Approved the front entrance lighting with additional bloodgood maple. Pat will ask for final contract.
Heather greet new neighbors:
12340 NW Welsh Drive
12517 NW Welsh Dr - Gwen Flemming and Rick Turner
12238 NW Welsh Dr - Emma Franks is back, she has not responded to dues statement
3685 123rd Place - New neighbors
New Business
Debris and broken fence on 12522 NW Welsh from 12487 NW Hibbard. Lack of communication. Did not get board approval which is required for 6 in diameter at 5 ft.
12565 NW Welsh board approved siding that matches color scheme of submitted proposal.
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday, Sept 14, 7pm
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Heather Pool, Lori Quiring, Mike Mitlehner, Pat Goodell, Powell Quiring, Rosemary Casamassa
Treasurer’s Report
One homeowners’ dues outstanding:
12238 NW Welsh Dr, Emma Franks has still not responded to dues statement. Resident has moved and we don’t know if mail is being forwarded to her.
Old Business
Heather connect with:
12340 NW Welsh Drive
12517 NW Welsh Dr - Gwen Flemming and Rick Turner
New Business
New lighting - Jim Lewis has not sent an estimate.
THHA Picnic
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday, Aug, 10
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Heather Pool, Lori Quiring, Mike Mitlehner, Pat Goodell, Paul Cummings, Powell Quiring, Rosemary Casamassa
Treasurer’s Report
Two homeowners’ dues still outstanding:
Emma Franks has still not responded to dues statement, She’s no longer a resident but we don’t know if mail is being forwarded to her. I will connect with Heather to see if she has an idea of how to connect with Emma, who is her neighbor.
Paul will connect with his neighbors who are renting to see if dues statement had been forwarded to the owners, Perry Cui or Tina Zhu?
Old Business
I’ll confirm with Heather to see if she’s connected with the new neighbors at 12340 NW Welsh Drive. And I’ll let her know we’ve also decided to welcome the people who are renting the home at 12517 NW Welsh Dr (Cui/Zhu home) since they intend to reside there long term.
New Business
We’ve decided not to have a neighborhood picnic in September because of uncertainty about what will be acceptable for large gatherings at that time. We may plan something for later – perhaps a holiday gathering with hot beverages and holiday theme – Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Years?.
We agreed that we’d rather keep the existing street light now rather than take the chance of PGE disrupting the existing plantings and/or leaving behind the cement stump and exposed wiring like they did last time. We don’t want to have to deal with “fighting” about who is going to be responsible for it or incur the expense ourselves. Nor do we think it’s responsible to waste money on having them remove it when it’s not offensive at this point. Also, many neighbors have expressed their appreciation for having had it re-installed. I will speak to Marjorie about our decision.
Mike will ask Artemio to plant begonias at the entrance. It may be too late because he may have already purchased something else. If that’s the case, we’ll live with what he’s chosen. We’ll also agree to pay extra if the begonias cost more.
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday, July 6
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Heather Pool, Lori Quiring, Mike Mitlehner, Pat Goodell, Paul Cummings, Powell Quiring, Rosemary Casamassa
Treasurer’s Report
Old Business
$2350 - cost of picnic 2019
New Business
Marjorie Wilson has volunteered to get the broken entrance street light removed. This light was broken in a car accident. The light is no longer needed due to the new lights on the north side of the street.
Heather - greeting new neighbor at 12340 NW Welsh Drive
THHA Picnic
Heather - will create a save the date notice
September 13
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled
June 1
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Heather Pool, Lori Quiring, Mike Mitlehner, Pat Goodell, Paul Cummings, Powell Quiring, Rosemary Casamassa
Treasurer’s Report
New Business
Graffiti was painted on the entrance brick wall:
black on the west - “All Out” - world wide movement promoting unity - crazy
black backwards “7” further north
white woman and “666” on east
Meeting scheduled for Friday to remove graffiti
THHA Picnic
SEP 13
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday, MAY 4
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Heather Pool, Lori Quiring, Mike Mitlehner, Pat Goodell, Powell Quiring
Rosemary Casamassa - 12512 Welsh
Treasurer’s Report
Account balance: $15,911.25
Old Business
Add a new line item in the “Request for Approval of Improvement” for “Possible neighbor impact”
Add a indication of next board meeting on
New Business
Jaguar - expand lawn service to include the walk, flowers - Mike
Lights - LED lighting - Pat
Dues $150 for 2020
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled
12/13 potential meeting
1/13 Dues statement meeting
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Heather Pool, Lori Quiring, Pat Goodell, Powell Quiring
Treasurer’s Report
Account balance: $15,944.13
Old Business
Update on power washing wall and repairs - Lori
did not clean the sidewalk total = $6800
marble facing is likely to need more repair
New neighbor - Heather
12512 Welsh - delivered bottle of wine and coasters
12370 Welsh - next month
New Business
Add a new line item in the “Request for Approval of Improvement” for “Possible neighbor impact”
Add an indication of next board meeting on
THHA Picnic
Good feedback, ended early due to weather warning
12 - 12’ tables - right amount
90 chairs - right amount
flowers looked great
signs worked well
1/2 bag of vegan cheese was enough
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday, 11/11
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Heather Pool, Lori Quiring, Mike Mitlehner, Pat Goodell, Paul Cummings, Powell Quiring
Treasurer’s Report
Account balance: $25,219.78
All households dues have been paid
Old Business
Little library - Pat will email Powell will post the agreement on the web site
Wall repair and power wash - $6,800
New Business
Powell updated the website with new configuration information to match the DNS renew that happened recently.
DNS renewal charges - $15.16
Mulch shared space, yes - Mike
Wall power washing, week of 8/5
Welcome gifts for new neighbor. $25 budget, 8/9
12512 Welsh - Heather will deliver
$50 gift card from Home Depot as thank you for Rodmans - Pat
THHA Picnic
Plan for 90 people
Set up at 2
Start at 4
table, chairs, decorations - Lori
3 water coolers - Pat
Wine, beer - 6 white, 18 red
lemonaid country time lemonade - lori
Printed picnic signs - Lori
Vegan cheese - Pat
Water monitor - Heather
Face painter - Mike
Pinata - Lori
Photo booth stuff, take your own pictures - Pat
Bubbles - Lori
Sign in table - Lori
Mohitos - Lori
Nametags - Heather
Microphone, speakers - Paul
Trivia - Lori
Garbage cans - Pat
Police checkout - Mike
Email flyers, 8/1 - Pat
Fold flyers - Pat
Mail flyers 8/22 - Lori
Shade canopy - Rodman, Paul, Pat ask neighbors
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled
Thursday, 8/22, Mike only if needed
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Cary Williams, Heather Pool, Lori Quiring, Mike Mitlehner, Pat Goodell, Paul Cummings, Powell Quiring
Sara Ark - presented the picnic flyer and one was chosen.
Treasurer’s Report
Account balance: $25,217.41
One households has not paid dues. Pat will send another late notice.
Old Business
Little library - Powell will post the agreement on the web site
Wall repair and power wash - $6,800
New Business
Powell updated the website with new configuration information to match the DNS renew that happened recently.
Powell needs to verify that https:// access to the site is configured.
12370 NW Hibbard - Powell will send out first pass of architectural questions for 12370 NW Hibbard
3701 NW 124th Pl - More pavement for the driveway - approved
12459 NW Hibbard - tree removal. Pat will ask about replacement.
Hand deliver newsletter and picnic invitations
Pat - Hibbard and 124th
Cary - Lower Loy
Powell - Upper Loy
Heather - Welsh, east of Hibbard
Paul - Welsh, west of Hibbard
Mike - 123rd
Welcome gifts for new neighbor. $25 budget
12512 Welsh - Heather will deliver
THHA Picnic
Pie competition, a few of the board members volunteered to bring a pie - insuring success.
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday, 7/29
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Cary Williams, Heather Pool, Lori Quiring, Mike Mitlehner, Pat Goodell, Powell Quiring
Treasurer’s Report
Account balance: $25,139.30
2 households have not paid dues. Late notices have been sent.
Old Business
Status of Little Free Library - it has arrived
Contact Rodman’s for installation date, some time in June - Powell
Spring Newsletter
Pat is putting it together
Lori will contact Lori White to reserve a date for the garage sale
Flowers at entrance have arrived!
Update bids for brick entrance and wall power washing, waiting for bids to come back, expecting tomorrow.
New Business
Consider getting a drop box - Lori will look into it
THHA Picnic
Choose theme - “End of summer fest”
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30 pm
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday, June 10
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Heather Pool, Lori Quiring, Mike Mitlehner, Pat Goodell, Paul Cummings, Powell Quiring
Treasurer’s Report
Old Business
Ed Merrick of Bauer Creek and the our board have approved the little library agreement. Pat will sign the agreement.
Powell will post the final agreement to the web site. Pat will send Powell the agreement file.
Ed Petrosian requested the approval of Sherman Williams 7080, 12370 Hibbard. Lori will get a chip and compare the chip to the current color of the house and report to the board.
New Business
Four outstanding dues. Paul will send a reminder via US Post.
Powell maintained the website - updated the dns hosting service with the github ip address
Powell maintained the website - added https support in github
New board member - Heather Pool
Heather volunteered for the position, “Welcome new neighbors”
Heather will welcome new neighboars at 12512 NW Welsh
Powell will scan the CC&R to website
Mike will inspect the flowers at the entrance and determine if they are sufficient
Lori will obtain bids for the brick entrance. It requires repair and wash. Lori has the contract referred from Bauer Creek
THHA Picnic
Sep 8
Lower Hibbard, 12532 Hibbard
Theme - Taco Truck
Need an assigned water owner
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled
Tuesday, May 21
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Cary Williams, Mike Mitlehner, Pat Goodell, Paul Cummings, Powell Quiring
Heather Pool
Scott Campbell, Mike Herring - Bauer Creek Estates, joined us to discuss the “Little Free Library”
Treasurer’s Report
Little Free Library
The two neighborhoods, THHA, and Bauer Estates, agreed to alternate maintenance year to year.
THHA will install
THHA will maintain for the year 2019
Model - “Double Door Gable” was unanimously agreed (including Scott and Mike).
Cost about $349
Post $90
New Business
Discussed no approval requested for painting of 12370 NW HIbbard. Pat to draft letter to be sent to Realtor and property manager to inform them of consequences of not obtaining approval and not painting the home satisfactorily. Proposed letter to be completed prior to April Board meeting for review by Board
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday, April 8
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Cary Williams, Lori Quiring, Mike Mitlehner, Pat Goodell, Powell Quiring
Danna Rodman
Heather Pool
Ed Merrick - Bauer Creek Estates, joined us to discuss Little Free Library.
Treasurer’s Report
Bauer Estates, HOA information:
$650/yr per home
Keep 5x more then thha on reserve
Most $ spent on grounds
Laurence Adams, Master Mason did the brick work in their neighborhood.
Phone Number: (503) 697-6559
Address: 1724 Oak St Lake Oswego, Lake Oswego, OR 97034
Little Free Library
By the light post at intersection of NW Creekview Dr, and Welsh. 10ft from intersection., north east of the intersection. Between the light and the stop sign.
Irrigation system, watch out.
Ed, send us the legal information for acceptance.
The library will be accessible fron the sidewalk.
June installation
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday, March 11
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Cary Williams, Lori Quiring, Mike Mitlehner, Pat Goodell, Paul Cummings, Powell Quiring
Treasurer’s Report
Old Business
Little Free Library discussion. Pat got a preliminary positive response from the neighborhood to the west.
Mailbox installation currently planned for December for both mailboxes. Insurance promised to cut a check to cover all costs (minus deductable)
Postal inspector visted Pat’s house, the perpetrator has been apprended
No bid for wall clean or repair has been provided. Inspector visited 11/14.
No plan to change THHA dues for 2019, still $150
Landscaper Christmas bonus, $100
New Business
THHA Picnic
Meeting Adjourned
About 9:00 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday, 1/7
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Dana Rodman, Heather Pool, Lori Quiring, Mike Mitlehner, Pat Goodell, Paul Cummings, Powell Quiring
Treasurer’s Report
Old Business
Little Free Library discussion. Findley’s was $500. You can find the Findly stand at the flagpole by the main entrance. Ryan Rodman volunteered to install the library. Dana has volunteered to be the library steward. Pat will reach out to adjacent neighborhood to the west. Propose lot at bottom of Welsh.
New Business
Mailbox at 12343 Hibbard is broken and a contractor has been contacted
Mailbox at Loy and Hibbard was broken into on Saturday night, 10/20
12324 NW Hibbard Drive approve the removal of a birch trees and a major branch of a maple tree
THHA Picnic
consensus was positive for taco truck
mexican hat dance was a little scattered, but kids enjoyed it
pinata was good
Meeting Adjourned
About 9:00 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday, 11/26
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Cary Williams, Lori Quiring, Pat Goodell, Powell Quiring
Treasurer’s Report
Old Business
Library box update. Tabled until October.
12370 NW Hibbard house paint job does not meet standards of neighborhood. Pat sent email to the management company asking for clarification two months ago.
12157 NW Welsh approval for tree removal is on hold.
New Business
THHA Picnic
Theme: Fiesta.
Taco truck, come at 4, start serving at 4:30 - 6:30.
No grills required.
Flyers will be sent again via email, week of 8/20 - Pat
Signs for entrances, 9/5 - Lori
Flyers on mailboxes, 8/25 - Pat
Mariachi Band - no
Table/chair - Lori
Decorations - Lori
Corona, 3 cases - Carey
Wine, 6 red, 6 white, Sangria - Carey
Lemonade mix - Lori
Candy - Lori
Pinata, qty 2, to age 0..8 , 8..12, Cary
Blindfold - Lori
Paper products - Pat
Name tags - Pat
Chili cookoff , Alan, Dave Head (Lori will ask Dave), ? Best Veggie, Best Meat
Face Painter - Mike
Sign in sheet, update roster, age of kids - Lori
Musical chairs - Pat
Firefighers and Police, week of 8/20, invite them - Pat will deliver
Checkbook - Paul
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday, 10/22
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Cary Williams, Lori Quiring, Mike Mitlehner, Pat Goodell, Powell Quiring
Sara Ark, Alan Ark
Old Business
Library box. Pat reached out to the Rodman’s, who suggested it. Pat reached out to the Creekview HOA and has not heard back.
Straighten street sign at Thompson/Hibbard. Pat called Washington county, and got it straightened out.
12370 NW Hibbard house appears to be in the process of painting. Pat emailed the property manager, who has not yet returned the email.
New Business
12157 NW Welsh approval for tree removal. Pat will reach out and ask for written proposal, and then approve.
THHA Picnic
Theme: Fiesta.
Date Sept. 9
Where: West Loy Ct.
Time: 4 - 7pm
Chilli Cook Off, blind taste test, possible prizes
Sara will complete the picnic flyer.
Sara will give it to pat for email delivery.
Pat will send out an email “save thed date” with the flyer on 7/14.
Pat will send out a final email 8/17.
Board will put the flyers on the mailboxes on 8/17
Pat looked into the mariachi to get bids - waiting for response.
Paul will bring the checkbook to the picnic to pay the face painter etc.
Mike check with the George’s taco truck guy
Paul will call King Taco truck. Paul see if they suggest ticket system and if they have tickets and if they supply plates.
Pat will invite the Washington County Sherrif to ask if they will attend
Pat will invite the Fire Dept to see if they will attend
Guest book to get count, email addresses, and phone numbers for the roster.
Pat paper products, bowls
Lori decorations, mix in some fiesta napkins and plates
Mike face painter
Carey three cases of Corona
Pat and Lori - Sangria
Pat chile fixings: avacodo, onions, cheese, sour cream
Paul Wine
Lori and Pat will discus lemonade and water
Grill 1 grill for hot dogs, and veggie burgers if the taco truck has no vegetarian option.
Cary will pick up two pinata
Lori will get pinata candy
Lori table and chairs
Alan will bring boom box
musical chairs
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday, 8/20
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Cary Williams, Lori Quiring, Mike Mitlehner, Pat Goodell, Paul Cummings, Powell Quiring
Treasurer’s Report
New Business
Straighten street sign at Thompson/Hibbard. Pat will call Washington county.
Library box. Pat will reach out to the Rodman’s, who suggested it. Pat will call the HOA of Creekview neighborhood, west of us. Perhaps the common area of Creekview would be a good spot.
George’s suggested a basketball line painting on the street in front 3664 123rd. Board was against painting the street.
3876 NW Loy Ct paint request approval, approved.
12370 NW Hibbard house appears to be in the process of painting. Pat is going to ask for a “request for approval”.
Old Business
Lights at entrance are in good shape.
THHA Picnic
September 9th, to be held at west Loy Ct Theme: Fiesta.
Chilli Cook Off.
Blind taste test.
Taco truck.
Two cases of Corona.
Pinata game.
Ticket system for handling food.
Paul will call King Taco truck.
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday, July 2
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Lori Quiring, Mike Mitlehner, Pat Goodell, Powell Quiring
Treasurer’s Report
Homeowners paying late: 9 late notices were sent, and homeowners paid the late fees. One homeowner has now been sent a 3rd notice.
Old Business
New Business
12324 NW Hibbard - Paint colors approved
12286 NW Welsh - Prune approved, Tree cut down approval for mapel next to the driveway
3919 NW Loy - Move fence - approved
THHA Picnic
September 9th, to be held at bottom of Loy Ct. Theme? Pictures?
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday, June 11
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Cary Williams, Lori Quiring, Mike Mitlehner, Pat Goodell, Paul Cummings
The meeting started at the neighborhood entrance to discuss lighting issues with Dave Head. At times one of the lights shines into his house. We met then, at the Quirings, and decided a shield would be the best solution. Lori will order one of these on line.
Treasurer’s Report
Approximately half of the dues have been received to date. The dues are due at the end of this month.
Old Business
New Business
Approved Taylor’s plan to redo the front of their home, 12425 NW Welsh Dr.
Approved Rodman’s plan for landscaping, 12420 NW Hibbard Dr.
Selected Date for Annual Picnic – September 9th, to be held at bottom of Loy Ct.
Japanese Beetles – Cary reported he spoke with someone at the Department of Agriculture. The beetles are still in the ground – please urge neighbors to return the treatment authorization form or complete it online.
THHA received the Bill for annual renewal of State Registration and Pat will mailed a check for $50 2/16/2018 with completed application for renewal of State Registration to Secretary of State in Salem.
THHA Picnic
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:15 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday, April 23rd
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Cary Williams, Lori Quiring, Mike Mitlehner, Pat Goodell, Paul Cummings, Powell Quiring
Met to prepare dues statement, newsletter and roster for mailing to homeowners.
Next Meeting Scheduled
Thursday, Feb 15th
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Cary Williams, Lori Quiring, Mike Mitlehner, Pat Goodell, Powell Quiring
Treasurer’s Report
New Business
Pat is going to summarize the approval for 12408 NW Welsh Dr in email. It will include the location of a house near by that we can visually inspect.
Possible requirements to add to the CCRs:
Can not exceeed 8 inches as measured from the roof surface from the top of the PV panel.
Home ownership - Homeowner must own the solar installation. Leasing is explicitly prohibited.
Solar devices must be visually integrated with the architecture of the home with respect to style, location, size and color and installation of such device should eliminate or minimize visibility from the street.
Meet Washington County requirements in the “Oregon Solar Installation Specialty Code”
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday, 1/15
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Cary Williams, Lori Quiring, Mike Mitlehner, Pat Goodell, Paul Cummings, Powell Quiring
Treasurer’s Report
Old Business
New Business
THHA Picnic
Tables and chairs:
12 tables
3 smaller tables were provided by neighbors - count on that in the furture
Wine - paul? Beer - 2 kegs, 6 gallons Water - 5 gallon, filled 2 times Lemonade, 5 gallong, filled 1 time
hamburger? Paul
vegi? Paul
Total expenses - Paul?
70 people attended.
Inroduce new neighbors was good.
Fireman - invite back next year.
Entertainment -
Picnic rotation:
123rd - this year
124th - next year
Loy west
Loy east
Gardner has been improving the entrance
Cary fixed the burnt out bulb on the west side.
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday, 11/13
Respectfully submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Cary Williams, Lori Quiring, Mike Mitlehner, Pat Goodell, Paul Cummings, Powell Quiring
Treasurer’s Report
Old Business
New Business
$1,000 budget for yearly improvements for the entrance. Wednesday, Mike will work with Marjori on the front entrance then plan for the long term and determine what should be planted this time of year. Then arrange with “Jaguar” to plant the replacements.
Both the elecric and water hook up are in the North East corner of the back yard of 3876 NW Loy Ct.
Cary will terminate the lights beneath the ground. Cary will replace the burnt out bulb on the west side.
THHA Picnic
Pat will send a save the date via email next week. Sara will send out invitation 3rd week in Aug. Pat will send out a reminder via email the week before.
When: Sept. 10
Flyer: Sara volunteered to create
Location: 123rd Place
Lori decorations
Burgers, dogs, veggie
Powell beer
Paul wine
Lori sides
Lori chairs/tables
Pat bringing/buying the paper products and utensils.
Divide the neighborhood for roster update last week Aug:
East Loy - Cary
West Loy - Lori
East Welsh - Powell
West Welsh - Paul
Hibbard, 123rd - Pat
123th Place - Mike
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled
Wednesday 8/16
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Lori Quiring, Pat Goodell, Paul Cummings, Powell Quiring
Treasurer’s Report
Old Business
Wally will start billing us $280/ of June 1. He said he’d been billing too little ($180/mo) for too long. For the extra money he will plant seasonal flowers and improve their landscaping maintenance. We have 3 other bids from other recommended companies ranging from $250 to $380/mo. Board is willing to switch to the company bidding $250/mo but will leave final decision to Mike who is in charge of interacting with landscaper.
New Business
The board members wlll split up the neighborhood to verify roster information and get current email addresses. This will be done the last week of Aug. Do not forget to invite neighbors to the picnic.
powell - loy ct, east and west.
pat - hibbard
paul - west welsh
mike - east welsh
Information to ask:
Name and spelling
Phone numbers
Email addresses
THHA Picnic
When: Sept. 10
Location: Loy Ct West
Food: BBQ - Provided by the board
Flyer: Ask Sara to create
Theme: Star wars
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday, June, 19
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Lori Quiring, Mike Mitlehner, Pat Goodell, Paul Cummings, Powell Quiring
Treasurer’s Report
Current balance $21.609.32.
Received the last dues payment for 2017.
Changed banks from US Bank to Wells Fargo. Pat and Paul are signers on the account.
Old Business
New locks have been installed on all of the post office boxes in the neighborhood. The lock improves the security on the postman’s side of the box.
Considered new landscaper but will wait a month for Walley to respond to Mike’s email. Flowers will be planted this month.
New Business
12447 Welsh has plastic on the Windows. Pat will ask the timeline for resolving the issue.
THHA Picnic
9/10 suggested date for picnic this year.
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday, May 15
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Lori Quiring, Pat Goodell, Powell Quiring
Treasurer’s Report
6 outstanding dues. Overdue notices will be sent on March 7.
Paul, Pat and Lori will try again to change the treasurer to Paul by meeting at US Bank this month.
Old Business
Results of application to Oregon Secretary of State’s Office re: HOA Registration is complete. Regsitration of incorporation with the state, number 1295822 (Pat is the incorporator). Fee $50. Thanks Pat.
Two USPS boxes have been completed. The other 8 USPS boxes will have their locks replaced on Wed March 8. Cost $60/box. Thanks Pat.
Tracking complaints of construction trucks driving through neighborhood. Not aware of any issues.
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday, April 17
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Lori Quiring, Pat Goodell, Paul Cummings, Powell Quiring
Treasurer’s Report
$15,547.09 Jan 31
22 checks received (not all reflected in balance)
Paul will send the past due notice on 3/15
Lori, Pat, Paul and Sara will need to meet at the bank in order to transfer the treasurer:
Paul will be treasurer
Lori will be back up signer
Pat will be back up signer
Old Business
Board discussed snow removal. Remington residents were not happy with the results of their contractor. Seasonal plow contract was not supported by the board.
New Business
Approval for payment of mailbox lock repair. Invoice.pdf
Better USPS locks can be purchased for $60. The board approved upgrade of all boxes.
Mike will ask Walley to take care of the down branch on Thompson.
Our neighborhood will be sprayed for Japanese Beetles. Spraying meeting at Grange Hall, March 4, 9:30am - 12:30pm, 1-800-525-0137
Posted photos of common grounds taken 10/10/2016 (see link above)
Posted album for 2007 (See link above)
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday, March, 6
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Cary Williams, Lori Quiring, Pat Goodell, Paul Cummings, Powell Quiring
New Business
Prepared the envelopes for the annual newsletter, roster and dues statements for 2017. Dues will be $150 for 2017.
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday, Feb 6, 7:00pm Quiring’s
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Cary Williams, Lori Quiring, Mike Mitlehner, Pat Goodell, Paul Cummings, Powell Quiring, Sara Ark
Treasurer’s Report
$15,988 balance on November 7
$2,300 spent on picnic
Old Business
Minutes from October were approved.
New Business
Water bill for October was $106, this is a concern and needs to be investigated. Sara will scan the bill along with a 2015 comparison and send via email to the board. Cary will reach out to Chris Blevins to inspect the meter to determine if there is a leak. The water meter is in Chris’ back yard.
The Board has agreed that the dues will be returned to $150/year.
The Board approved the 2017 budget. Sara will send the budget to Powell who will post the budget on the web site.
Pat has followed up with Stacey Wainwright on the construction vehicle issue. The problems have been mitigated. If any new issues are raised Pat will investigate.
Pat will write the newsletter to be included in the 2017 dues statement envelope.
The Board has approved Paul Cummings as the new treasurer. Sara will reach out to Paul for a knowledge transfer.
Roster changes for 2017 need to be delivered to Powell by Dec 15 to be included in the 2017 roster.
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday, Jan 9th. Dues statements, rosters and newsletter will be prepared for mailing at this meeting.
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Cary Williams, Lori Quiring, Mike Mitlehner, Pat Goodell, Paul Cummings, Powell Quiring
Treasurer’s Report
$15,964 for Sept 30
Old Business
Powell took a pictures. Need to post to the web site.
New Business
Sara is resigning from the board as of January 1, 2017.
THHA Picnic
Cut back on the amount of the meat.
Cut back on tempeh (1 lb was plenty, we ordered 10)
Cut out sides completely
4 red wines and 2 white wines were consumed. Recommend 4 of each next year
5 gallons of beer was the correct amount
chair/table correct
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday, 11/07
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Cary Williams, Lori Quiring, Mike Mitlehner, Pat Goodell, Powell Quiring
Treasurer’s Report
Old Business
Continue to use Walley for the maintenance of our common grounds.
Carey fixed the lights by replacing the existing bulbs with LEDs.
12370 NW Hibbard has improved the landscaping and powerwashed the stairs. There is still mold on the stucco.
New Business
Powell will take a picture of the Thompson entry way and put it on the web site.
The water pressure might be high due to changes that have been made in the water system in anticipation of the new home construction. Homeowners can request a pressure check from the Tualitin Valley Water District (see your bill) at no charge.
THHA Picnic
Reverend’s bbq at about $1300 / 70 people.
Lori order flags with the flowers.
Mike will contact neighbors for face painting help.
Pat will contact neighbor for a game.
Pat will contact Sara about the bee traps.
Powell - beer and ice
Meeting Adjourned
8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday, ?,?
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Cary Williams, Lori Quiring, Pat Goodell, Paul Cummings
Treasurer’s Report
Balance $21,331.44
Pat will be reimbursed for entrance landscaping work in the amount of $1,855.00
Old Business
Landscaping - did not remove bushes along wall, pulled up all plants except the bigger ones, consensus from the board is that it looks good. Thanks to Marjorie Wilson and Pat Goodell for overseeing it.
Lighting - Cary wants to find supply for electricity, in order to convert to LED we must bypass balles. We may decide on regular bulbs. He will do more to find supply box.
Pat will write stronger letter to landlord of 12370 NW Hibbard regarding work to be done.
Powell and Pat have talked to one of the residents regarding overhanging trees on the wall, but not the other.
New Business
As of this date there has been no response to memos from neighbors to WA County.
It was suggested to post more advertising at the entrance. Pat will contact the fire department, maybe getting a truck out. Cary will with look into Busters Barbeque and Paul will inquire with Home Plate Sliders.
Board members will start compiling a list of teens willing to do work in the neighborhood, babysitting, yard work, etc. Website might state, contact a board member for list.
Ask neighbors to share names of companies who’ve done work on their homes that they’d recommend. These should be posted on the web site.
THHA Picnic
Suggested themes for picnic: Carnival (which incorporates the olympic theme) or a patriotic theme because it’s 9/11, right after the olympics and before the election.
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday August 1
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Alan Ark, Cary Williams, Lori Quiring, Mike Mitlehner, Pat Goodell, Powell Quiring, Sara Ark
Treasurer’s Report
Balance 21,331.44
All dues for 2016 have been paid.
Old Business
Approved $2200 for Marjorie to direct work for entry gardening improvement.
New Business
Evaluating options for ongoing maintenance.
Powell will talk to Dick and Chris to clear off the wall along Thompson.
Request for approval fillable pdf on line - Powell needs to add to the web site.
Carey will check for LED replacement for the front lights.
Any wall repair will be delayed until the area 93 is completed.
Pat will send out spring newsletter.
THHA Picnic
September 11: Save the date. Cul De Sac: East Loy Ct.
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday, ?,?
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Cary Williams, Lori Quiring, Mike Mitlehner, Pat Goodell, Paul Cummings, Sara Ark
Treasurer’s Report
Balance $21,323.57
59 Dues received, 2 outstanding. Efforts have been made to reach-out to remaining two outstanding.
Old Business
Approved minutes from previous month with administrative corrections.
Bethany Neighborhood Coalition (BNC) discussed with understanding that BNC has withdrawn appeal because future Saltzman Road work was contemplated.
More research on landscaping replacement as it was determined that current pricing is good - some additional follow-up would be done to see if we can better define scope of work to be done going forward.
CC&R’s were tabled until we could get an update from Chris Blevins. Quotes for maintenance of brick entry and walls were discussed as Pat received some bids on tree trimming that may be prudent to act on with a hold on wall repair because of high costs. The next board meeting would include a possible inspection of walls and trees in need of trimming.
Mannino’s play structure was approved.
Goodall’s front door sidelights installation and painting was approved, subject to receipt of approval form.
Spring Newsletter was discussed.
It was determined that it may be helpful to continue to reach out to landlord for 12370 NW Hubbard regarding outdoor maintenance.
New Business
Pat indicated she would follow-up with current homeowner on info needed to consider and possibly improve proposed improvements.
Cary said he’d work on getting the broken light at the entrance repaired and also look into converting all our entrance lights to LED.
THHA Picnic
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday May 11th
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Cary Williams, Lori Quiring, Mike Mitlehner, Pat Goodell, Paul Cummings, Powell Quiring, Sara Ark, Sara Ark
Treasurer’s Report
Balance $21,802.19
56 Dues received, 5 outstanding. Will send second notice.
Old Business
Approved minutes from previous month.
Bethany Neighborhood Coalition (BNC) - tabled for discussion waiting for Paul.
More research on landscaping replacement.
New Business
Repair brick entry. Tree roots are causing some damage. Moss on the top of the wall caused some problems. Tree limbs are resting on the wall. Tom Payne Masonry quote $12,000. Mud on the side of the wall. Cracks to be repaired. Additional bids will be requested.
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday April 11.
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Lori Quiring, Mike Mitlehner, Pat Goodell, Paul Cummings, Powell Quiring, Sara Ark
Chris Blevins attended.
Treasurer’s Report
Balance $20,967.19
40 dues received
Budget was reviewed.
Old Business
Review and approve Jan ‘16 minutes - approved
Question was posed: Is there a way to make it easy to post minutes to website? Powell will investigate new hosting service and publishing capabilities.
New Business
2016 Budget approved.
Wally - trim back bushes along Blevins property, trim back nandina along brick wall, shape the viburnum. A spotlight is out of the common area. Ochoa landscape to replace Wally - Mike M.
12491 Welsh - approved hot tub and deck.
3951 NW Loy - approved certainnteed presidential roof replacement.
Approved $25 for welcome package per house.
Brick wall might need maintenance.
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday March 7
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Lori Quiring, Mike Mitlehner, Pat Goodell, Powell Quiring
Treasurer’s Report
Old Business
New Business
Mike will talk to Wally about the Thompson entrance beautification. Prepared the envelopes for the annual newsletter, roster and dues statements for 2016. Dues will remain at $100 for 2016
THHA Picnic
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday, February 8
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Alan Ark, Lori Quiring, Pat Goodell, Paul Cummings, Powell Quiring, Sara Ark
Treasurer’s Report
Old Business
New Business
Clarification on trimming the bushes on the Blivens property close to the Hibbard entrance, east side.
3919 NW Loy Ct. tree removal request - approved
THHA Picnic
Cost of the picnic will be calculated and presented by Sara next week.
Could have one fewer table to sit, one more for food.
Game was good, thanks Michael Liu
Had extra lemon water left
Bee catchers were great
Meeting Adjourned at about 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled: Monday November 9
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled
Monday, November 9
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present
Lori Quiring, Mike Mitlehner, Pat Goodell, Powell Quiring, Sara Ark
Treasurer’s Report
Old Business
Harrison Sailor has been cleaning the sidewalks and brick walls. Estimated completion is 9/6.
Pat notified the homeowners at Hibbard and Welsh to trim around the stop sign.. It looks like the homeowners completed the trimming.
Board positions:
Treasurer Sara:
Annual budget for the year
pay bills
reconcile the checkbook monthly
check the mailbox at Mailboxes and More (by DQ) twice a month
respond to title company request for outstanding HOA dues on closing of home
track HOA due collection and reminder notification of delinquent homeowners
President Pat
Publish the agenda before the board meeting to the board members.
Respond to homeowners requests. For example home improvement approval, questions, …
Chair the HOA board of directors meeting
Annual newsletter: create, make copies, include in dues statement letter
Notification via email for pressing neighborhood business.
Welcome new homeowners (roster, cc&r, cookies)
Secretary Powell
Write minutes and post to web site
Maintain and publish roster, envelopes, etc for annual distribution
Backup treasurer Lori
Sign checks
Mailbox retrieval
Landscape liaison Mike
Monitor and coordinate with landscape maintenance
Backup for responding to homeowner requests (see president item)
Outreach member Paul
Present any neighborhood issues to the board
New Business
Approved flower donation for bereaved homeowners for a max of $50.
Request for approval for 3876 NW Loy Ct, Install 6-7 ft Kousa Dogwood trees right side of garage door: approved
Suggestion for a free little library. It would take a neighbor to host it.
THHA Picnic
Pat send a flyer via email this week
Pat will hand deliver the flyer two weeks in advance
Wine - 4 bottles of white, 4 bottles of red
Water - 9 gal Sara
Lemon Water - 9 gal Pat
Lemonaid - 9 gal Lori
Beer - 2x 5 gallons Powell
Ice - 4x 20lb bags + beer ice Powell
24 hot dogs, one box veggie burgers Mike
chairs and tables - Lori
decorations purchase - Lori
flowers - Mike as available
Paper products - Pat
1 grill - pat
Main dishes, mac salad Roxies - Pat
Yellow jacket traps in advance - Sara
Meeting Adjourned
About 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Schedule
Monday Oct 5
Respectfuly submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present:
Powell Quiring, Lori Quiring, Pat Goodell, Sara Ark, Mike Mitlehner
Treasurer’s Report:
Old Business:
Harrison Sailor has been cleaning the sidewalks and brick walls. Estimated completion is 9/6.
Pat notified the homeowners at Hibbard and Welsh to trim around the stop sign.. It looks like the homeowners completed the trimming.
Board position
Treasurer Sara:
Annual budget for the year
pay bills
reconcile the checkbook monthly
check the mailbox at Mailboxes and More (by DQ) twice a month
respond to title company request for outstanding HOA dues on closing of home
track HOA due collection and reminder notification of delinquent homeowners
President Pat
Publish the agenda before the board meeting to the board members.
Respond to homeowners requests. For example home improvement approval, questions, …
Chair the HOA board of directors meeting
Annual newsletter: create, make copies, include in dues statement letter
Notification via email for pressing neighborhood business.
Welcome new homeowners (roster, cc&r, cookies)
Secretary Powell
Write minutes and post to web site
Maintain and publish roster, envelopes, etc for annual distribution
Backup treasurer Lori
Sign checks
Mailbox retrieval
Landscape liaison Mike
Monitor and coordinate with landscape maintenance
Backup for responding to homeowner requests (see president item)
Outreach member Paul
Present any neighborhood issues to the board
New Business:
Approved flower donation for bereaved homeowners for a max of $50.
Request for approval for 3876 NW Loy Ct, Install 6-7 ft Kousa Dogwood trees right side of garage door: approved
Suggestion for a free little library. It would take a neighbor to host it.
THHA Picnic
Pat send a flyer via email this week
Pat will hand deliver the flyer two weeks in advance
Wine - 4 bottles of white, 4 bottles of red
Water - 9 gal Sara
Lemon Water - 9 gal Pat
Lemonaid - 9 gal Lori
Beer - 2x 5 gallons Powell
Ice - 4x 20lb bags + beer ice Powell
24 hot dogs, one box veggie burgers Mike
chairs and tables - Lori
decorations purchase - Lori
flowers - Mike as available
Paper products - Pat
1 grill - pat
Main dishes, mac salad Roxies - Pat
Yellow jacket traps in advance - Sara
Meeting Adjourned at about 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled: Monday Oct 5.
Respectfully submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present:
Powell Quiring, Lori Quiring, Pat Goodell, Sara Ark, Alan Ark, Mike Mitlehner, Paul Cummings
Treasurer’s Report:
One due outstanding, Pat will find the owner.
Old Business:
Read minutes and approved.
New Business:
12420 NW Hibbard - in addition to last week - approved
Pavera `1q`a pathway from driveway to front door.
6x6 Privacy fence in backyard to hide the garbage cans.
New cedar gate
Landscaping changes to the west side of the entrance is postponed until next spring to see the benefit of last year’s investment.
Pat notified the residents around stop sign at Hibbard and Welsh that the county would trim if they did not do so.
The sidewalk is mossy on the east side of the sidewalk and on the wall. Harrison might be interested. Thompson Park representative was scheduled to come to our board meeting and did not attend. Pat will notify Thompson Park that we are moving forward. Sara will send email to David, Harrison’s father to see if he is interested.
THHA Picnic
9/13 4:00 - 7:00 pm - Hibbard cul de sac. Pirate of the Carribean theme. Hawaiian food from Roxies on Jenkins. H Macoroni, Pork, Chiken.
Meeting Adjourned at about 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled: Monday Aug 17
Respectfully submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present:
Craig Braun, Powell Quiring, Lori Quiring, Pat Goodell, Sara Ark, Alan Ark, Mike Mitlehner, Franklin Liu
Treasurer’s Report:
Two missing dues payments. $20, 216.40 balance.
Old Business:
New Business:
Landscaper has been contacted to consider replacing the bushes on the west side of the entrance. Consider bark dust.
The sidewalk is mossy on the east side of the sidewalk and on the wall. Harrison might be interested. Pat will reach out to Thompson Park and see if they want to share the burden.
Pat has been unanimously approved as the president of the board.
12195 NW Welsh -dark blue paint chip - approved .
12195 NW Welsh - play structure. - approved
3685 NW 123rd Place - same color off white house, burgundy door - approved
3685 NW 123rd Place - add a patio beneath the deck in the back. - approved.
12420 NW Hibbard - pathway between the houses. Neighbors approved - approved.
THHA Picnic
Meeting Adjourned at about 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled: Monday June 8
Respectfully submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present:
Craig Braun, Powell Quiring, Lori Quiring, Sara Ark, Alan Ark, Mike Mitlehner
Treasurer’s Report:
Old Business:
Street light reflectors will be re-evaluate after the leaves fall in Jan.
Lawyer for $250/hr to consider changes to the CC&R.
We are considering updating the CC&Rs. Here are some issues that have come up in the last 10 years. In your experience are you aware of anything else that we should be considering? You can find the CCRs here: We would like an estimate for making these changes:
Roof - composite roofing that must be approved by the Architectural Control Committee
Quiet hours
Basketball hoops, and times
Quiet hours
PODs - outside storage units
Tree related view issues
Barking dogs
Newsletter Issues:
Feedback from the Lawyer
Roof approval
New Business:
THHA Picnic
Meeting Adjourned at about 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled: 1St Monday Feb
Respectfully submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present:
Craig Braun, Powell Quiring, Lori Quiring, Pat Goodell, Sara Ark, Mike Mitlehner
Treasurer’s Report:
$ 1,411.63 - picnic
Old Business:
New Business:
12484 NW Welsh - Landscaping - approved
3178 NW 123rd Place - Fence and gate - approved
Lights - PGE
THHA Picnic
2 * 3 gal of lemonade, needed 1 more
2 * 3 gal water + lemon, needed 1 more
2 * 3 gal water, needed 1 more
24 hot dogs - about right
12 veggie burgers - had 8 left
75 people came
Yellow jackets were thick
Meeting Adjourned at about 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled:
Respectfully submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present:
Craig Braun, Powell Quiring, Lori Quiring, Pat Goodell, Sara Ark, Alan Ark, Mike Mitlehner
Treasurer’s Report:
$60 for sprinklers repair
$250 fine collected for unapproved roof
Old Business:
New Business:
Color of 12484 NW Welsh Dr approved.
Color 3701 NW 124th Place same color approved.
CC&R, Powell Bauer Woods, Sara Bauer Creek, Mike Forest Heights - Clarification on roof and approval of home improvement.
THHA Picnic
Two cases of wine: Lori 12 white, Alan 12 red
3 pans - Roxies Island Grill is an approved option for $15/head - Pat.
24 Hot dogs, all beef, ballpark, 6in, and buns, - Mike will pick up
12 Veggie and buns , spicy black bean, cosco. - Mike
Pat - ketchup, mustard, relish
2gal water, 1gal lemonaid - Lori lemonaid 1, Sara 1, Pat 1, Water refill
10x10 tent - Stacy, Arks, Pat will Jennifer, Lori calls Karen
Caitlin face painting. $75.
AJ - pictures
Beer - powell
Paper goods - Pat
Table clothes - Lori
Meeting Adjourned at about 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled: Monday MONTH DAY
Respectfully submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present:
Craig Braun, Powell Quiring, Lori Quiring, Pat Goodell, Sara Ark, Alan Ark, Mike Mitlehner, Paul Cummings
Treasurer’s Report:
$19,696.52 balance
Old Business:
New Business:
Letter from the Ron Watt was read. The board is engaging a lawyer to determine alternatives.
Have not paid Harrison for power washing the mailboxes. Craig and Lori stated that he did a good job.
Lori and Paul should be added to the email address.
Walley the lawn cutter to adjust the sprinklers for $75.
THHA Picnic
Picnic is committed this year for Sept. 14th. Loy Court West
Burn ends is out of business we need to find an alternative. Roxies Island Grill is an approved option for $15/head.
Flyer for picnic will be out by Aug 15, delivered by Craig. Created by Sara.
Reminder email on Sept. 1, Sara forward to Pat.
Two cases of wine: Lori 12 white, Alan 12 red
24 Hot dogs, all beef, ballpark, 6in - Mike
2gal water, 2gal water - Lori 1, Sara 1, Pat 1, Water refill.
Caitlin face painting. $75.
Meeting Adjourned at about 9:00 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled: Monday Sept 8.
Respectfully submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present:
Craig Braun, Powell Quiring, Lori Quiring, Sara Ark, Alan Ark, Mike Mitlehner, Paul Cummings
Treasurer’s Report:
$20,148.82, all dues have been paid
Old Business:
West entrance looks good.
New Business:
Mailbox. Need to power wash 9 boxes and the wall on Thompson. Last completed on July 2009. Suggested the Sailor’s children. Will pay $600.
Sprinklers on the east side need maintenance. One is broken three need adjustment. Wally should be paid to do this for $75.
The lot at the bottom of Welsh could see some maintenance. Bauer Creek Home Owners association will be contacted by Lori Quiring.
12408 NW Welsh Dr. - Received May 24th, approved “Certainteed Presidential Shakes (color Autumn Blend)
12532 NW Hibbard Dr. Landscape between two driveways approved.
THHA Picnic
Theme: Where in the World? Bring a dish from your homeland (or US State).
Kaitlin will facepaint.
Balloon boy.
Cater by burnt ends. Double up on mushrooms. Powell will reserve.
Meeting Adjourned at about 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled: Monday MONTH DAY
Respectfully submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present :
Craig Braun, Powell Quiring, Lori Quiring, Pat Goodell, Sara Ark, Alan Ark, Jennifer Mannino, Stacy Wainwright
Treasurer’s Report:
3 unpaid dues, One verbal indication that check is in the mail.
Old Business :
Mike not present to report on the entrance.
New Business :
Backflow for the front entrance water will be handled through TVWD.
Schmitz landscaping proposal was approved.
Encourage everyone in the neighborhood to visit the area
THHA Picnic
Picnic is committed this year for Sept. 14th. Loy Court West.
Burnt ends catering
Tailgating sports theme
Balloon boy
Meeting Adjourned at about 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled: June 23
Respectfully submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present :
Craig Braun, Powell Quiring, Lori Quiring, Pat Goodell, Sara Ark, Alan Ark, Mike Mitlehner
Treasurer’s Report:
$20,530.72 balance
Old Business :
New Business :
Mike presented some proposals to beautify the entrance. Entrance upgrade for $1000 was approved.
12343 NW Hibbard Dr - Roof approved - Certainteed Presidential
3689 NW 124th Place - Roof approved - IKO Armour Shield
12293 NW Welsh Dr - Roof approved - Certainteed Presidential
Crane fly infestation in the neighborhood. Be aggressive.
THHA Picnic
Meeting Adjourned at about 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled: Monday May 12
Respectfully submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present :
Craig Braun, Powell Quiring, Lori Quiring, Mike Mitlehner
Treasurer’s Report:
Balance in account is $21,779.99
2014 dues:
52 paid
9 remaining
Old Business :
Craig will oversee the payment of the insurance bill.
New Business :
Approved the Doyles roof
Approved the Wainrights and Cummings stone, decking
Process for home improvements:
Pat will respond to improvement requests with a pointer to the form on the web.
A board member will need to visit the home and make an assessment.
The board will come to consensus at the next board meeting (max 14 days)
Pat will notify the home owner.
Storage containers, RVs, trailers, and boats, can only be present for 48hrs.
THHA Picnic
Meeting Adjourned at about 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled: Monday April 14
Respectfully submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present :
Craig Braun, Powell Quiring, Lori Quiring, Pat Goodell, Sara Ark, Alan Ark, Mike Mitlehner
Treasurer’s Report:
Balance in account is $17,144.87
Approve the payment of $919 for insurance
Approve the payment of $126 for two years (2014, 15) of Dotster web hosting
Old Business :
New Business :
Approval of the Ark’s roof and colors
THHA Picnic
Meeting Adjourned at about 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled: March 3
Respectfully submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present :
Craig Braun, Powell Quiring, Lori Quiring, Pat Goodell, Sara Ark, Alan Ark, Mike Mitlehner
Treasurer’s Report:
Balance in account is $18,438.34 - Sara will email it too me.
Old Business :
Update on house address on the street curb project. The white background is completed for all houses. Numbers are only on a few houses. Progress is expected as weather allows.
New Business :
2014 Budget - approved budget. Agreed on $100 dues assessment to cover the budget for 2014.
Newsletter -
Garbage cans and recycle cans should be out of sight when viewed from the street.
Landscaping changes must be approved by the board.
New roof must be approved by the board.
Roster will be printed in December for delivery in January 2014.
Meeting Adjourned at about 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled: Wed 12/11 at 7:11 at Quiring’s, 3840 NW Loy Ct
Respectfully submitted,
Powell Quiring, Assistant to the Secretary
Board Members Present
Craig Braun, Powell Quiring, Lori Quiring, Mike Mitlehner
Treasurer’s Report:
Balance in account is $18,438.34
Old Business :
New Business :
Review THHA Picnic:
Expenses 1,163.08
Amount of food was right on. This year 50 + 10veggie (12 hot dogs), Next year 60 + 10 and 24 hot dogs
Attendance: 70, RSVP 30 family
Beer: OK
2 gal water, 2 gal Lemonade. Needed two times more water and lemonade.
Didn’t rent tents. Neighbors have tents: Cross’, Arks. Board can purchase these, Sara said said she would store them. Look for tall ones
Michael’s game was fun - do that again
Back Flow: Candy Anthony, Fire Services Plus, sent back flow test. Board could not determine what this is about and will not respond to this mail
Mitlehner Landscaping: Approved.
Curb number paining: $500 Next to driveway closest to the front door. Lori will work with responsible young adult to both deliver flyers explaining the details a day in advance and do the work. Roll up flyers and put through the door handle loop.
Meeting Adjourned at about 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled: Monday next month
Respectfully submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present:
Craig Braun, Powell Quiring, Lori Quiring, Pat Goodell, Sara Ark, Alan Ark, John Abercrombie
Treasurer’s Report:
Balance in account is $20,047.34
Old Business:
New Business:
Farewell to John Abercrombie. Thanks for the years of service on the THHA board. We will miss you.
THHA Picnic
Walley removed the 2 vine maples, no charge.
Craig contacted Wally and became the point of contact.
Cater still being considered for 50 adults:
slabtown - Whole pig -
BBQ Beans, Mac-n-Cheese
Corn Bread
Pick up buns at store
Water with lemons
Meeting Adjourned at about 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled: Monday Aug 27
Respectfully submitted,
Powell Quiringl, Secretary
Board Members Present:
Craig Braun, Powell Quiring, Lori Quiring, Pat Goodell, Mike Mitlehner, Sara Ark
Treasurer’s Report:
Balance in account is $20,250.15
Old Business:
New Business:
Landscaping at entrance complete.
Two vine maple on west side of entrance died. Craig will contact Wally the landscaper to handle the trees. Craig will be Wally’s contact at the board moving forward.
Landscape inspection request for public walkways, sign and light blockers. Letter wording was approved. Craig is going to hand deliver to all houses in neighborhood.
We should consider amending the CCRs with more specific non shake roof requirements. Presidential TL is one choice for a number of houses. $25K is a possible price. Forest heights might have an example of roof types.
Picnic is Sept 8. Themes are being discussed.
if you have a preference please contact a caterer for bids for 50 with 5 vegitarian.
Burnt Ends that often is represented at the Cedar Mill sat marke is one possibility.
Balloon boy,
Face Painter,
Sara will make the flyer
Meeting Adjourned at about 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled: Monday Aug 5
Respectfully submitted,
Powell Quiring, Secretary
Board Members Present:
Craig Braun, Powell Quiring, Lori Quiring, Sara Ark
Board Members Absent: Dan Heilman, Pat Goodell,
The meeting was called to order at about 7 pm by Board President, Craig Braun, at the home of Powell and Lori Quiring
Treasurer’s Report:
Balance in account is $20,874.34.
One homeowner has not paid dues for 2013. Sent the 3rd notice.
Old Business:
New Business:
Landscaping - Lori and Sara have been approved to spend the remaining amount on the 7-d’s card plus an additional $150 to improve the common grounds.
Brick wall - the crowns have been inspected and determined to not be a problem. Two bricks have come loose - one brick is missing. Decided that we would postpone the minor repair of the brick wall until there is a related expense. Last time there was a wall repair it was done at the same time as a mailbox repair.
Backflow assembly test for THHA - Lori will contact TVWD and the board approves the $35 fee.
Party will be 9/8 on NW 124th Place
Next Meeting Scheduled: Monday, June 3 2013
Respectfully submitted,
Powell Quiring, Acting Secretary
Board Members Present:
Craig Braun, John Abercrombie, Lori Quiring, Mike Mitlehner, Pat Goodell, Powell Quiring, Sara Ark
Board Member Absent: Dan Heilman
Guest Present: Alan Ark
Minutes for January 14 meeting were approved with no changes
Treasurer’s Report:
-Balance in checking account is $19,647.65. 75% of yearly HOA dues have come in with a due date of February 28.
Old Business:
Pat will speak to Darla about coming to the next meeting (or send details to us) to discuss her suggestions for the entrance landscaping.
New Business:
Regarding the concerns of many neighbors about the routing of traffic off Thompson Rd through Thompson Highlands:
County Sheriff is to come morning and evenings to put out “warning” signs
County Sheriff has been seen giving out tickets to people driving unsafely in the neighborhood
Sheriff has been seen on corner of Welsh & Creekview on left
Craig will e-mail Dennis Garbacik regarding his request to ask Wa Cnty to put traffic speed monitor sign up
John will call Wa County to request they put up a traffic monitor sign
Traffic detour will end March 8 so it’s not likely they will do anything further by then.
It was agreed that Molly Shum’s request to keep her boat on her property overnight in order to facilitate unloading is reasonable
Mike Mitlehmer has agreed to join the Board. His e-mail address is
John Abercrombie announced that he and his wife will be moving to AZ, therefore he will be leaving the Board as well. Lori Quiring agreed to take over the Treasurer’s position with help from Sara Ark.
Meeting Adjourned at about 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting : Monday, March 18
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Goodell, Secretary
Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting
February 18, 2013
Board Members Present:
Craig Braun, Lori Quiring, Pat Goodell, Powell Quiring, Sara Ark
Board Members Absent: Dan Heilman, John Abercrombie
Guests Present: Alan Ark, Mike Mitlehner
Treasurer’s Report:
Balance in checking account is $16,759.88. This was after paying electric, water and landscaping bills as well as the $70 bill to maintain the website for the year.
Old Business:
Last month’s minutes were approved
New Business:
The Board prepared the mailing of dues statements, to include 2013 neighborhood roster, dues statement, and 2013 Winter Newsletter. Statements to be mailed on January 15, 2013.
Meeting Adjourned at about 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting : Monday, February 18, 2013
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Goodell, Secretary
Board Members Present:
Craig Braun, Powell Quiring, Lori Quiring, Pat Goodell, Sara Ark
Board Members Absent: Dan Heilman, John Abercrombie
Guest Present: Alan Ark
The meeting was called to order at about 7 pm by Board President, Craig Braun, at the home of Sara and Alan Ark
Treasurer’s Report:
Balance in account is $16,971.84. Increase in balance was due to deposit of past due HOA dues from one homeowner
Old Business:
Dues Statement, Roster and Newsletter to be prepared for mailing in January. Dues to remain at $100/yr.
Darla McGary will provide ideas for Entrance Landscaping after January 15, 2013
New Business:
Sara Ark has agreed to be a member of the THHA Board of Directors
Craig will update roster with names, phone numbers for new residents.
Powell will prepare the new roster
Lori will prepare the new dues statements and take to next meeting along with envelopes and stamps.
The 2013 newsletter will be prepared by Pat with a reminder about CCR requirements regarding parking on streets in addition to notes about vandalism; satellite dish approval requirements; reminders to submit approval request for changes to landscaping, outside of residence (painting, roof, siding), and changes to footprint of residence.
Powell has posted photos of picnic on website -- this information will be included in newsletter also.
Next Meeting Scheduled:
Monday, January 14, 2013
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Goodell, Secretary
Board Members Present:
Craig Braun, John Abercrombie, Powell Quiring, Lori Quiring, Pat Goodell
Board Members Absent: Dan Heilman
Guests Present: Alan and Sara Ark
The meeting was called to order at about 7 pm by Board President, Craig Braun, at the home of the Quirings
Treasurer’s Report:
Balance in account is $17,176.52 This is less than the proposed budgeted balance due to the expense for replacing the front entrance lights which were damaged due to vandalism. The cost for replacing lights was $1900 -- our insurance covered $1400 while the HOA paid the $500 deductible.
Old Business:
Front entrance landscaping discussion has been postponed until November meeting.
Pat will invite Darla to the November meeting.
New Business:
All receipts from the picnic have been presented for payment and payments have been made.
Attendance at the picnic was down this year to about 60 from the usual 90+. Weather was good and there was no apparent reason for the lower attendance.
There was a suggestion to limit the number of Talent Show participants next year. To be discussed further when planning the picnic next year.
There was another suggestion to reduce the number of rented tables next year since many people chose to stand up rather than sit -- possibly because there was no tent this year and they wanted to stand in the shade.
Consensus was very positive feedback for using the Quiring girls for face painting and their friend to blow up balloons.
Regarding placing satelite dishes on roof: it was agreed that it’s acceptable if they are small.
A note regarding this will be placed in next newsletter
Regarding vandalism of entrance light: one entrance light was vandalized for the 2nd time shortly after they had been replaced.
Craig suggested and the Board agreed that we should just keep the 2 existing lights for now and replace the 3rd light next summer.
Craig will call electrician about why new lights aren’t going on at night now.
Zhou family (12512 NW Welsh) have requested permission to paint home but haven’t submitted formal request with proposed paint colors yet.
Huijan Yan submitted a request to resign from the Board as she currently doesn’t have the time to participate. The Board thanks her for considering being a member and will welcome her back if her time permits.
John Abercrombie has asked for a temporary leave of absence as he will be unavailable to serve on the Board from several months. Lori Quiring will assume his Treasurer duties while he’s gone.
Meeting Adjourned at about 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled: Monday, November 12, 2012
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Goodell, Secretary
Board Members Present:
Craig Braun, John Abercrombie, Powell Quiring, Lori Quiring, Pat Goodell, Dan Heilman
Board Members Absent: Huijun Yan
Guests Present: Alan and Sara Ark
Treasurer’s Report:
Balance in account is $$19,208.43
Old Business:
Discussion of landscaping at front entrance will be continued in October after the neighborhood picnic. Pat will follow up with Darla to find out what she proposes.
New Business:
The Board approved the paint choice by the Mitlehners, new neighbors at 3650 NW 123rd Place.
Craig observed vandalism on August 13, 2012 at the front entrance to Thompson Highlands. Five out of six lights were damanged with 2 of them more seriously damaged -- glass lens broken. John will call the insurance company to determine if the damage is covered by our insurance. He will also call the police to report the vandalism .
One sprinkler head at the entrance is misdirecting the water spray. John will contact the landscaper, Wally.
THHA Picnic:
Following are the responsibilities for the picnic, scheduled for Sept 16, 4 pm:
Sara and Alan:
Sara has already designed the invitation/flyer. Craig delivered it to all homeowners.
Sara will send the invitation to Pat in pdf format so she can e-mail as a follow-up reminder.
Sara and Alan have already purchased barbecue sauce, mustard, ketchup, mayo, relish.
They will also purchase hamburgers, veggie burgers, and hotdogs as well as buns
They will bring their tent to use as shade for the “cooks”
Powell and Lori:
Powell will make beer
They will purchase wine, some bottles of water, soda
They will order tables and chairs; stage; and tent at the last minute if needed for inclement weather.
Lori will ask how much it would cost to rent a speaker and mike for the entertainment
Lori will prepare/order simple decorations and paper tablecloths
Lori has hired someone to do balloons for the kids -- $25/hr for 2 hours
Lori will as a friend if she wants to do face painting as we’ve decided not to hire the previous face painter since she charges $65/hr.
Lori will bring her cooler/server for water/lemonade
Lori suggested that she put signs around the neighborhood as a reminder but it wasn’t finalized if that was to be done.
Craig delivered all the flyers to homeowners’ homes
He will purchase beans and potato salad from Reser’s -- he will ask Franklin Liu if he would make baked beans
Dan will purchase ice to be used for soda, water, beer and coolers
Dan, along with Powell, will man the barbecue
Pat will purchase name tags, plates, napkins, wine glasses, beer cups, smaller water/soda cups, and cutlery as needed. There is a good supply of all these items already but they may need to be supplemented
Pat will make 25-30 “goodie” bags for the talent show participants
Pat will bring the cooler/server for water/lemonade
Bring an ice chest
Try to find someone who will allow us to use their grill -- tell Craig if you found someone
Show up about 1 pm to set up
Bring barbecue tools
Next Meeting Scheduled: ???????
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Goodell, Secretary
Board Members Present:
Craig Braun, John Abercrombie, Powell Quiring, Lori Quiring, Pat Goodell
Board Members Absent: Dan Heilman, Huijun Yan
Guests Present: Alan and Sara Ark, Darla McGary
The meeting was called to order at about 7 pm by Board President, Craig Braun, at the home of the Pat Goodell.
Treasurer’s Report:
Balance in account is $19,428.59. This is $125 over budget due to $133 spent for spraying trees by the entrance and renewal fee for the website.
Old Business:
Minutes for 2012 have not been posted to the website but Powell will show Pat how to do that and all past minutes will be posted to the website this month.
New Business:
Darla McGary, a landscape designer and Thompson Highlands resident, offered suggestions for adding perennials to front entrance. She will confirm that we have $300 left on the 3Ds card and offer a plan for what we can plant there to add color and interest with minimal upkeep.
Adam Mizgajski of 3876 Loy Court is exploring the possibility of adding a sound barrier wall to the existing brick wall behind his property which is owned by THHA. Even if WA County would approve this additional height, the Board is not in favor of approving this addition to the wall due to liability issues of adding a privately owned structure to the wall owned by THHA; concerns about maintenance of the structure in the future; and overall appearance of a separate structure added to just one portion of the THHA owned brick wall.
The Riccis asked for permission to have a Mariachi band play at a private party at their home. The band will be playing until 10:00 pm. The Board approved this request.
The Heilmans submitted a request to replace their existing shake roof with a Presidential composite roof. The Board approved this request.
Nancy Evans notified the Board that her neighbors, the Andersons, left their sprinkler on for an extended period which caused some flooding in her yard. The Andersons did not think it was a problem and at this time there has been no further flooding, but she wanted it noted that she spoke to them about the problem in case there are any future issues.
John Abercrombie requested that Lori Quiring be added as an authorized signer on the checking account so that she can write checks as necessary when he is out of town. The Board ok’d this.
THHA Picnic
Date of the picnic has been changed to September 16.
Location of the picnic will be 123rd Pl cul-de-sac
Sara Ark prepared the flyer which will be e-mailed and delivered as well as sent via e-vite. The Board approved the flyer with minor changes.
Lori will ask her friend about doing balloon creations -- possible cost to be $20/hr
Lori will purchase simple decorations for the tables;
Lori and Powell will purchase wine
Powell will make beer to serve
Lori and Powell will order tables, chairs, stage for talent show, and will hold off on ordering tent until a few days ahead of time to see how the weather will be.
Craig will speak to Dan & Trish Heilman about their daughters doing face painting for the picnic
Craig will purchase Reser’s baked beans and potato salad
Powell, Craig and Dan will barbecue hamburgers and hotdogs
Alan Ark will purchase condiments
Pat will purchase paper products as necessary
Pat will prepare/purchase prizes for the talent show
Dan to bring microphone again for talent show
Further planning to be completed at next meeting
Meeting Adjourned at about 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled: Monday, August 13
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Goodell, Secretary
The meeting was called to order at about 7 pm by Board President, Craig Braun, at the home of the Quirings.
Board Members Present:
Craig Braun, John Abercrombie, Lori Quiring, Pat Goodell, Powell Quiring
Board Members Absent: Dan Heilman, Huijun Yan
Treasurer’s Report:
Balance in checking account is $19,800. Currently one homeowner’s dues are outstanding. Craig will speak to homeowner at 12370 NW Hibbard Dr about plans to pay 2 years’ outstanding dues and late fees. Option of filing a lien against the property, if necessary, was discussed.
Old Business:
Powell will tell Adam Mizgajski that the Board won’t approve the wall extension with current information provided.
Pat will speak to Darla about coming to the next meeting to discuss her suggestions for the entrance landscaping.
New Business:
Powell will also tell Adam that our landscaper didn’t cut the limbs on his trees and ask him if he is still having his trees sprayed by General Tree Service.
Craig suggested we ok the $133 to General Tree Service to spray 9 trees. The Board agreed.
Craig will remind Wally, the landscaper, the pick up the litter on common areas
Bert Carlson reminded us to take Barbara off the roster next year as she is deceased.
The Board voted to have a picnic in 2012. Date to be September 9.
Talent show will be repeated since it was a popular with everyone at 2011 picnic.
Location of picnic will be 123rd Place cul de sac
Pat will invite Sara and Alan Ark to attend next meetings to help with picnic.
Pat will ask Sara to design the flyers for the picnic again.
Meeting Adjourned at about 8:30 pm.
Next Meeting : Monday, July 23 Respectfully submitted,
Pat Goodell, Secretary
Board Members Present:
Craig Braun, Dan Heilman, Huijun Yan, John Abercrombie, Powell Quiring, Lori Quiring, Pat Goodell
The meeting was called to order at about 7 pm by Board President, Craig Braun, at the home of the Quirings
Treasurer’s Report:
The balance in the checking account is $18,794, effective 2/20/12
Old Business:
There has been a resolution of the problems that neighbors have been having for several years with a German Shepherd owned by a Thompson Highlands neighbor. The owners were fined and the dog was required to be removed from the home. We were told that the dog now resides in a home in a rural area with large acreage.
New Business:
We are pleased to have a new Board member. Huijun Yan volunteered to serve on the Board.
43 homeowners have paid 2012 dues. 18 homeowners have not yet paid, including 1 who hasn’t paid from last year.
There was discussion about removal of a tree on 123rd Place. The removal of the tree had been approved at an earlier meeting.
Meeting Adjourned at about 8:12 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled: Monday, April 9
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Goodell, Secretary
Board Members Present:
Craig Braun, Dan Heilman, John Abercrombie, Powell Quiring, Lori Quiring
Board Members Absent: Pat Goodell
-The meeting was called to order at about 7 pm by Board President, Craig Braun, at the home of the Quirings.
Treasurer’s Report:
The 2012 budget was presented by John Abercrombie. The Board voted to approve the 2012 budget. .
Old Business:
The Board voted to continue HOA dues for 2012 at the “temporary rollback” rate of $100. With continued good cash reserves, it was decided this was again a prudent decision for the benefit of homeowners.
There is still one homeowner who hasn’t paid 2011 HOA dues.
Meeting Adjourned at about 8 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled for early January to assemble the dues statements and enclosures for mailing. Powell & Lori to prepare the roster and mailing labels; John to prepare the dues statement and bring envelopes and stamps; Pat to prepare the Winter Newsletter.
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Goodell, Secretary (not present at the meeting)
Information included in Minutes provided by Lori Quiring who was present
Board Members Present:
Craig Braun, Pat Goodell, Powell Quiring, Lori Quiring
Board Members Absent: Dan Heilman, John Abercrombie
The meeting was called to order at about 7 pm by Board President, Craig Braun, at the home of Pat Goodell.
Treasurers Report:
The balance in the account as of September 28 is $16,891.80 - reported by Pat Goodell in the absence of Treasurer, John Abercrombie who was not able to be at the meeting.
As of the time of this meeting there was one homeowner with outstanding HOA dues.
Old Business:
THHA Youve Got Talent Picnic The theme was very popular and there was good feedback that it was a fun event and should be repeated next year. There were 12 children who entered the talent contest with all receiving prizes for participating.
$110 was spent on 3 cases of wine. Only 1 case of wine was used, probably because it was a very hot day, close to 100 degrees. Lori purchased the majority of the extra wine and reimbursed the THHA for the cost. The rest will be saved for other THHA functions/business through the year
$58.97 was spent on beer there was no beer left.
The Face Painter was paid $146.25 for 2 1/4 hours. There was some discussion of whether this amount is high and we should pursue other entertainment for next year. However, the children enjoy it and she did a good job.
New Business:
The decision of whether to return HOA dues to $125 for 2012 was tabled for a decision at the December meeting.
Pat will prepare the Winter Newsletter to be included in the dues statements at the January meeting. Newsletter should include reminder to trim trees; remove garbage cans from street on the day of the trash pickup; pictures of the talent show are on the website (Powell to post the ones taken by Alan Ark); comment on the fun picnic and thanks for all who came, participated and helped.
Meeting Adjourned at about 8 pm.
Next Meeting Scheduled for December 12.
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Goodell, Secretary
Board Members Present:
Craig Braun, Dan Heilman, John Abercrombie, Lori Quiring, Pat Goodell, Powell Quiring
The meeting was called to order at about 7 pm by Board President, Craig Braun, at the home of Lori and Powell Quring.
Treasurer’s Report:
The current balance in the account is $18,661.43. One homeowner has not yet paid HOA dues.
New Business:
The Garbaciks at 12517 NW Welsh requested approval of a new Presidential grade composite roof. As this is the highest grade of composite roof, the request was approved.
Entrance landscaping -- Darla McGary, a neighbor as well as a Seven D’s landscape designer, was asked for some entrance landscaping suggestions for using the $300 we still have on a Seven Ds card.. Darla provided some excellent ideas which the Board agreed we should pursue with her. Pat will contact her to ask if the $300 would be enough to cover labor and materials for her suggestions.
The Doshis at 12525 NW Hibbard requested approval of paint colors for painting their new siding. They presented 2 options and one of the options was approved..
Pat will be added the bank’s authorization to sign checks in addition to John
Neighborhood party—Talent Show Theme:
Location – Loy Court East
Date – September 11 – 4-7pm
As Craig, Dan and Powell want to barbecue, it was decided that they would barbecue hamburgers, hotdogs, veggie burgers in lieu of having the meat entree catered.
Even though the cost of tents/tables/chairs is quite expensive, Lori found out that all rental places are comparably priced; and it was agreed that it was important to have a tent in case of sun or rain.
Sara Ark designed and delivered the invitation flyer the 2nd week in August .
Craig contacted the face painter and she will come to the party.
Following are what everyone said they would do/buy/make/order:
order Star black & gold table cloths as well as hanging stars for decorations
donate relish that she has on hand
order tables, chairs and tents
organize the decorating with everyone’s help
contact “balloon man”
will purchase and slice tomatoes (about 4 lbs), onions, iceberg lettuce (2 heads); cheese (about 40 slices), mustard, ketchup (2), mayo (1), burger buns, hot dog buns, burgers (about 80), long hotdogs (about 42) , veggie burgers
provide karaoke machine
will purchase sides at Resers – Baked Beans, Cole Slaw, Potato Salad, Macaroni (?)
will arrange for grills to grill guys use
will make sure we have necessary barbecue tools
will purchase wine, beer, soda, water (?)
will e-mail the invite to everyone whose e-mail address we have
will print the invites out in color and deliver to all homes
will check the price of Bubba Burgers at Target
will purchase (as needed) napkins, plates (large and small), wine glasses, soda cups, beer glasses, cutlery, foil pans for meats, name tags,
will bring markers, hotpads, potholders, large trash bags
will make candy gift bags as prizes for the talent show
bring coolers
bring garbage cans for trash and recycling
help Lori with setup
help with clean-up and get other neighbors to help
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Goodell, Secretary
Board Members Present:
Craig Braun, Dan Heilman, Pat Goodell, Lori Quiring, Powell Quiring
Board Member Absent: John Abercrombie
Guests in Attendance: Sara & Alan Ark
The meeting was called to order at about 7 pm by Board President, Craig Braun, at the home of Dan Heilman.
Treasurer’s Report:
The current balance in the account is $18,883.77. One homeowner has not yet paid HOA dues.
New Business:
Garbaciks inquired about Board opinion on installing a composite roof. Although the HOA CC&Rs specify only shake roofs to be used, there are a number of composite roofs that have been installed which are a very nice quality. The Board will approve composite roofs on a case-by-case basis, depending on the quality being used. Although the Garbaciks haven’t formally presented a request for approval yet, they are planning to use the Presidential grade of composite which is the highest grade composite roof so there should be no problem approving that style roof.. There was a proposal that we amend the CC&Rs to allow for composite roofs, but it was agreed that we should leave the requirements “as is” and approve other roof types on a case-by-case basis.
Entrance landscaping -- we still have $300 on a Seven Ds card that we can use for perennials to plant at the THH entrance. Pat will ask Darla McGary (Seven D’s landscape designer and TH neighbor) if she can recommend any appropriate plants that will do well in shade there.
Dan asked if he can ask Wally, the landscaper, to put new barkdust at entrance along borders. The Board agreed and Dan will speak to Wally.
Neighborhood party—Talent Show Theme:
Location – Loy Court East
3 Food Options – 1. Burnt Ends Barbecue – Sara will contact; 2. Drew Bier works for a restaurant supplier and offered to provide the food – Lori will contact him to find out what he can provide; 3. Dan, Powell, Craig to grill burgers, chicken, brats and veggie burgers. We’ll decide on an option at next meeting after getting feedback from Sara and Lori.
Sara Ark will make the flyer to be distributed 1st week in August by hand (placed on doors) and later by e-mail. RSVP to Board and/or Craig
Board will provide main dish (meat) and drinks as in the past – we will buy additional side dishes as well. But we will still ask everyone to bring a side dish and dessert to share.
Prizes will be for age and talent categories – minimal money to be spent on prizes – candy is what was suggested for prizes.
Powell will purchase wine and beverages like last time.
Craig will contact the FacePainter
Craig will contact Mary Taylor about singing or having her band perform as she offered to do last year .
Lori to check with rental company we have always used to see if we can get a better price -- $600 to rent a tent is high but it was agreed that a tent is necessary
Pat will ask the Doshis where they got their tent for their party to see if any better price.
Lori will order American Idol themed decorations from Oriental Trading Co
Pat will buy any additional supplies as needed (plates, cups, napkins, etc.) There is still quite a bit left over from last year.
Next meeting is scheduled for August 15 at Quirings
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Goodell, Secretary
Board Members Present:
Craig Braun, Pat Goodell, John Abercrombie, Dan Heilman
Board Members Absent: Powell Quiring, Lori Quiring
The meeting was called to order at about 7 pm by Board President, Craig Braun, at the home of Pat Goodell.
Minutes from previous meeting, March 21, were approved.
Treasurer’s Report:
The current balance in the account is $19,650.03
One homeowner has not paid dues yet
Expenditures are $150.47 over the budget. $260 spent on spraying trees at entrance accounts for this. However we have $300 remaining on the Dennis 7 D’s credit card.
Old Business:
There was no old business on the agenda to discuss
New Business:
Pat will ask neighbor Darla McGary, who is a landscape designer for 7 Dee’s, if she can suggest flowering plants that we can plant at the entrance to add some color.
Board approved request by the Evans at 12343 NW Hibbard to replace their stucco siding. All colors are remaining the same.
Neighborhood Picnic:
The board voted to have another neighborhood picnic this year
Theme will be Thompson Highlands “Talent” Show (children & adults included)
Date will be September 11. The significance of the date was discussed as a possible reason not to have it then but there was no better date option and it was decided that having a neighborhood picnic on that date would not be disrespectful.
We will ask Lori to contact neighbor Drew Bier who works for Sysco to see what food options we would have if we order from him. More side dishes to be ordered this year.
Pat will ask Sara Ark to do the flyer/invitation again this year since she did such a good job last year. Flyer to go out earlier this year to give time to prepare talent.
We will ask other neighbors to help with specific jobs – decorating, set up, clean up, etc.
Next Meeting to be held
on Monday, July 25 at Dan Heilman’s home.
Board Members Present:
Craig Braun, John Abercrombie, Lori Quiring, Pat Goodell, Powell Quiring
Board Member Absent: Dan Heilman
The meeting was called to order at about 7 pm by Board President, Craig Braun, at the home of Pat Goodell.
Treasurer’s Report:
The current balance in the account is $19,927.72
This includes HOA dues collected as of today. There are currently 5 homeowners who have not paid dues. A reminder letter will be sent to those homeowners.
Old Business:
The Board agreed to pay General Tree Service $390 for spraying the 3 pear trees on each side of the entrance (6 trees total). This would cover 3 spraying sessions throughout the year. This spraying would be for control of “rust” infestation of THHO-owned trees only and not for the trees owned by individual homeowners.
New Business:
The landscaping proposal for the McGary’s at 3689 NW 124th Pl was approved.
The placement of a “porta-john” in the Goodell’s driveway at 12532 NW Hibbard was approved during the timeframe that their bathroom is being remodeled from approximately 4/19-5/30 2011.
There had been concern that a trailer was parked on the street on 124th Pl for an extended period of time, however that trailer is no longer there.
Additional Business:
The board approved the purchase of new THHA stationery & stamps for John to use to send out HOA dues reminder letters.
Next Meeting
to be held in early June.
Board Members Present:
Craig Braun, John Abercrombie, Lori Quiring, Pat Goodell, Powell Quiring,
Board Members Absent: Dan Heilman
The meeting was called to order at about 7 pm by Board President, Craig Braun, at the home of Pat Goodell.
Treasurer’s Report:
The current balance in the account is $15,721 which does not include the HOA dues that are being collected. As of today 43 of 60 homeowners have paid their dues.
Old Business:
The board agreed to table the idea for providing a dumpster for now because the cost is about $400 for the weekend for the largest dumpster (holds 40 cubic yards of debris). We’ll send an e-mail out to ask neighbors if they will use it and then reconsider the option based on response.
We’ve been given an estimate for spraying all the trees at the entrance to control existing infestation, including 3 trees at 3876 Loy Court – $196 which will be split with the homeowners at 3876 Loy Court.. Craig will talk to the homeowner to get clarification of the amount and the number of times that the trees will be sprayed.
Correction to last month’s minutes regarding the tree spraying: the cost to the HOA will be about $98 each time the trees are sprayed, not $180.
New Business:
Our neighbor, Mary Taylor, suggested that her ensemble band present a bid for entertaining at our next neighborhood picnic. We will request a bid when we are preparing for the picnic.
Our insurance premium increased $90/year. John Abercrombie said that the insurance company is checking on why there was this increase and will get back to him.
Next Meeting
to be held in on March 21.
Respectfully submitted by Pat Goodell, Secretary
Board Members Present:
Craig Braun, John Abercrombie, Lori Quiring, Pat Goodell,
Powell Quiring,
Board Members Absent: Dan Heilman
Guests: Karen and Dave Sailor
The meeting was called to order at about 7 pm by Board President, Craig Braun, at the home of Pat Goodell.
Treasurer’s Report:
The current balance in the account is $15,721 as of 12/31/2010
This time last year the balance was $16,891 – down about $1100.
This is attributed to the $1000 cost of new entrance and monument landscaping as well as the $50/per household reductions in dues. .
Old Business:
Craig will ask Molly Shum for the 7 D’s Landscaping credit card which still has a balance after the landscaping work that was done earlier in the year.
New Business:
The Board agreed that we would split the cost for spraying the trees at the Thompson Rd entrance with the homeowners at that location – 3876 NW Loy Court. Their “tree guy”will spray their trees to control infestation and the “tree guy” will also spray the HOA trees at the entrance. This will be done in summer and in March until the infestation problem is under control. The cost to the HOA will be about $180 each time.
There was discussion about the possibility for the HOA to pay for a large trash/debris bin to be placed in a central location by Washington County for a one-time opportunity to dispose of large trash items. Lori Quiring will look into this.
It was suggested that the next newsletter include a request that everyone asks their landscapers not to blow debris into the street or onto their neighbors’ yards.
The Board used this meeting as an opportunity to organize the Winter Newsletter, HOA dues statements and Roster for mailing to all neighbors.
There was also discussion of how to handle the issue with the neighborhood dog who has been behaving in an aggressive and threatening manner to some neighbors. It was decided that the THHA would send a letter to the owners of the dog before an civil action is taken.
Next Meeting
to be held in on February 10.
Respectfully submitted by Pat Goodell, Secretary
Board Members Present:
Craig Braun, Pat Goodell, Powell Quiring, John Abercrombie,
Dan Heilman
The meeting was called to order at about 7 pm by Board President, Craig Braun, at the home of Pat Goodell.
Minutes from 2 previous meetings, July 27 and August 23, have not been prepared. They will be prepared by next meeting.
Treasurer’s Report:
The current balance in the account is $17,008.93
The bills paid for the neighborhood picnic were $1570.70
$6000 had been budgeted for landscaping but $7000 was spent. This is attributed to the
$1000 cost of new entrance and monument landscaping.
Old Business:
The Board agreed that for fy 2011 we would continue the temporary rollback on HOA dues at $100 for the year, rather than $150. We still have a sufficient reserve account to justify this temporary reduction and the amount of the dues will be reconsidered next year for 2012 dues.
Neighbors at 12525 NW Hibbard have verbally agreed to remove the tree between their property and 12532 NW Hibbard. But they have not signed the necessary form. The Board agreed to approve this based on the verbal agreement of both neighbors.
Craig will ask Molly Shum for the Home Depot credit card which still has a balance after the landscaping work that was done earlier in the year.
New Business:
Powell said that all pictures from the Luau have been posted on the website.
For next year’s neighborhood picnic, it was agreed that we should purchase more side dishes since there were not enough side dishes this year.
Drew Bier suggested we order food for the picnic next year from Sysco Food Services America – he works there and can obtain a good discount for us.
Next Meeting
to be held in early January (date to be determined) for the purpose of preparing the mailing of dues statement (to be prepared by John); roster (to be prepared by Powell); newsletter (to be prepared by Pat). John will bring envelopes and stamps and Powell will provide mailing labels.
Respectfully submitted, Pat Goodell, Secretary
Board Members Present:
Craig Braun, Pat Goodell, Powell & Lori Quiring
Board Member Absent: John Abercrombie, Dan Heilman
Guests Present: Sara Ark
There was no meeting agenda. We met to finalize plans for the Hawaiian Luau in September.
We sampled items from the Hawaiian restaurant in the strip mall across from Fred Meyer on 158th. It was agreed that the pulled pork and other menu items were excellent and we would order the food from there. Sara Ark agreed to place the order and pick up in time for the party.
All other Board members will do the same jobs they have done in the past and meet at 2 pm prior to the party to set up.
Respectfully submitted by Pat Goodell, Secretary
Board Members Present:
Craig Braun, Pat Goodell, Powell Quiring, Lori Quiring John Abercrombie, Dan Heilman
Guest in Attendance: Sara Ark
The meeting was called to order at about 7 pm by Board President, Craig Braun, at the home of Pat Goodell.
Treasurer’s Report:
The current balance in the account is $19,666.92
As of the time of this meeting there was one homeowner with outstanding HOA dues.
$80 was paid to repair and replace the entrance light fixture.
Old Business:
The German Shepherd whose aggressive behavior had been of concern seems to be under better control now although there was a neighbor who did have an encounter with the dog recently. But the dog’s owner took control quickly. It was agreed that the owner has demonstrated concern and has shown that she is working on keeping the dog under control. But we will continue to monitor the dog’s behavior.
Molly Shum and Martina Winkler did a great job of updating the entrance landscaping.
New Business:
It was agreed that we would continue to use Wally as our landscaper and Dan Heilman agreed to communicate any landscaping maintenance concerns to Wally and to keep track of the accumulation of trash in the areas that Wally is supposed to keep clean.
The neighborhood picnic will be held on Sept 12 from 4:30-7:30 in the Hibbard Dr cul-de-sac.
It was agreed to have a Hawaiian Luau theme.
Lori Quiring will be in charge of decorations and will ask others to help
Dan Heilman said he will investigate hiring either a Hula Dancer, Face Painter, Mini-golf game, or sno-cone maker to have at the party. Clowns Unlimited is a company who provides some of those things. Dan also agreed to be in charge of making MaiTais (or other tropical drink) for the party.
Craig, John, Powell, and Pat will be responsible for the same jobs as in the past.
The Ark’s request for approval of landscaping plans was approved.
The Liu/Lam’s request for approval of landscaping plans was approved
— he Sailor’s request for approval of new deck was approved.
Next meeting
is scheduled for Monday, July 26.
Minutes prepared by Pat Goodell, Secretary
Pat Goodell, Secretary
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Goodell, Secretary
Board Members Present:
Craig Braun, Pat Goodell, John Abercrombie, Lori Quiring
The meeting was called to order at about 7 pm by Board President, Craig Braun, at the home of Pat Goodell.
Minutes from March board meeting were reviewed. They had been previously approved and posted on the website.
Treasurer’s Report:
The current balance in the account was $20,393.95 with an additional $620 from HOA dues deposted totaling $21, 012.95,
Currently there are outstanding HOA dues from 2 homeowners.
John will send note to one homeowner to offer to settle on the HOA dues in exchange for an equivalent debt this homeowner incurred for some work done on the entrance monument.
Lori Quiring will send another dues statement to the other homeowners who have not paid their dues..
Old Business:
The issue with an aggressive dog in the neighborhood appears to be resolved. There have been no other incidents.
Board members who are available will meet with Molly & Martina to go over potential landscaping work to be done at the THHA front entrance.
New Business:
Board approved the remodeling plans submitted by Hans & Selina George.
John will take care of having the THHA entrance light repaired.
Next Meeting:
May Board meeting will be scheduled for 2nd Monday in May, the 10th, as Pat Goodell will be out of town on the 3rd.
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Goodell, Secretary
Board Members Present:
Craig Braun, Pat Goodell, Powell & Lori Quiring, Dan Heilman
Board Member Absent: John Abercrombie
Guests Present: Martina Winkler, Molly Shum
Treasurer’s Report:
Lori Quiring presented the Treasurer’s Report as John Abercrobie, Treasurer, was out of town.
The balance in the account, effective March 8, 2010, is $20,393.95.
This amount reflects HOA dues received from all but 9 homeowners. Lori will send 2nd notices to the 9 homeowners with unpaid HOA dues.
Old Business:
There have been many complaints about a German Shepherd in the neighborhood which has acted in an aggressive manner on at least 3 separate occasions. Neighbors have contacted Animal Control who will speak to the owner and try to deal with the situation through teaching better techniques to control the dog. Beyond that they said there is little they can do until there is an actual incident where the dog injures someone.
Craig has spoken to the owner who has indicated she will try to do a better job of keeping the dog under control.
This is the same dog that neighbors have said barks constantly when left outside. There was some improvement after Craig spoke to the owner but there is still a good deal of barking.
It was agreed that, although annoying, the barking was of less concern than the aggressive behavior at this point.
THHA has no real power in this situation other than to appeal to the owner who appears to want to do the right thing.
It was agreed that Pat Goodell would write a letter to the owner of the dog expressing our concerns. Before sending the letter to the dog owner, Pat will forward it to the Board members as well as those who have experienced the barking &/or aggressive behavior of the dog in order to get their feedback about the best way to express our concerns.
New Business:
Martina Winkler and Molly Shum have volunteered to take over the landscaping of the entrance plantings. They’ll get estimates of what it will cost to purchase, plant and maintain the plants they have in mind. At our April meeting the Board will vote on how much we can budget for that expense. It was agreed that maintaining the entrance appearance is very important.
Next Meeting to be held
Monday, April 5 at 7:04 pm at the home of Pat Goodell.
Respectfully submitted by Pat Goodell, Secretary
Members Present:
Craig Braun, Stan Bunch, Pat Goodell, Powell Quirring, Wendy Jones
Also Present: Alan Ark who has volunteered to take over from Dan Heilman as THHA webmaster.
The meeting was called to order at 7 pm by Board President Craig Braun at his home on Welsh Drive.
New Directors:
Powell Quirring and Wendy Jones were welcomed to the meeting and subsequently appointed to fill a three-year term on the Board of Directors.
Minutes of Previous Meeting: Minutes from the previous meeting on March 20, 2006 were approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report:
Stan Bunch reported that all Homeowners Association dues have been paid – none outstanding. ’06 Budget was presented. $9150 in dues was collected from 61 households. Approximately $9000 is spent each year for Utilities, Insurance, Landscaping, Admin, Oktoberfest, Other Maintenance. We have been maintaining a surplus of about $10,000 in the THHA bank account about the $9000 yearly expenses.
Entrance Maintenance Report: Tree stump from tree that was cut down by the entrance is supposed to be ground down by Mario Elias. Marjorie Wilson will tell Mario to take care of grinding the stump. Marjorie Wilson will also take care of the next floral planting around the entrance. A notice will be sent out to homeowners reminding them to keep overhanging branches trimmed as well as trim bushes so they don’t conceal stop signs. If they don’t we will ask Mario to trim them as they are in violation of the CC&Rs.
Oktoberfest Report: It was agreed that this is a very popular and successful event and we should continue to have a similar neighborhood get together. It was suggested to have something a bit different this year for a little change even though everyone enjoys the Oktoberfest. It was agreed that we would model this year’s party after the Pendleton Roundup – called Thompson Highlands Roundup. Wendy Jones agreed to co-chair with Craig Braun. Date of party will be Sept 17 or 24. Craig will check with Russell Street Barbecue about catering. Pat will check out party favors/items with Roundup theme on-line and Wendy will check out Party Central and we’ll compare where we can get the best prices/assortment. We want to get the face painter and magician again – Stan will ask previous Oktoberfest organizers for names of those who did it in the past. Pat Goodell will ask Frank and Sylvia Hetz if they will still be here for that and if Sylvia would agree to make some of the delicious food she made last year for the Oktoberfest.
Location of the party this year will be Loy Ct. East. Stan said he would ask Mary Taylor for any suggestions she might have for this party.
Newcomers to THHA:
Alan Ark volunteered to be the Welcoming Committee. He will make a personal call to deliver a copy of the Thompson Highlands Homeowners Roster; copy of the CC&Rs; Request for Approval forms; and obtain their name, address, telephone and e-mail address.
Neighborhood Issues:
Edwards home improvements were approved; Jan-Erik Fougli and Myde Boles landscaping plans were approved.
Craig will ask Dan Heilman to get the rights to web name so Alan can have access to it.
Meeting Adjourned
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Goodell, Acting Secretary
Next Meeting Date: August 14. Meetings for Roundup will be planned as needed.
Members Present:
Craig Braun, Stan Bunch, Pat Goodell
Also Present: Marjorie Wilson
The meeting was called to order at 7: 00 p.m. by Board President Craig Braun at his home on Welsh Drive.
New Directors:
Pat Goodell was welcomed to the meeting and subsequently appointed to fill a three-year term on the Board of Directors. A flyer was mailed to all 61 homeowners in late February notifying them of board vacancies and requesting response from interested volunteers by March 10. Discussion was held regarding further recruitment.
Treasurer’s Report:
Stan Bunch reported that following a second notice being sent, checks were received from sixteen more homeowners. Marjorie will send a third notice to the last two homeowners with outstanding dues. Three more email addresses have been added to the THHA meeting notice distribution list.
Craig will contact Dan Heilman to ask if he is willing to maintain the website. In late February Marjorie sent to Dan all minutes previously not posted.
Entrance Maintenance:
Mario Elias will be contacted by TomWilson to discuss maintenance requests: stump grinding; replacement flowers; straightening wind-blown trees; pruning low branches.
Request for Approval of Improvement:
The request for approval of exterior paint colors was granted as forwarded by Mike Edwards on behalf of the new owners of his home. Craig will notify Mike. The new owners are Jay and Heather Wolberg.
Old Business:
Mike will be giving Stan the contact information he has for the Fall Picnic supplies. By end of 2006 the event will have been staged in each of the various Thompson Highlands cul-de-sacs: 123rd Place, 124th Place, Hibbard, and the west and (this Fall) east Loy Court locations.
New Business:
It was decided to schedule regular meetings on the second Monday evening of the month.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Marjorie Wilson, Secretary
Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 8, 2006. No April meeting is scheduled at this time.
Members Present:
Craig Braun, President; Stan Bunch
Members Absent: Gwen Watt
Also Present: Marjorie Wilson
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Craig Braun.
Treasurer Stan Bunch reported that 2006 dues of forty homeowners had - been received to date. He would be checking the THHA mailbox the next day and would report any further responses. After hearing from Stan, Marjorie will send 2nd notice to the homeowners from whom we have not received responses.
Eleven individuals so far have indicated they would like to receive emailed minutes and notices. Marjorie will set up a group mail distribution.
Craig reported that Michael Neal had agreed to remove the blue tarps from his yard within the next week. There had been several complaints over the winter that the tarps were unsightly, and had been left out too long.
Mike Edwards has resigned from the Board as he and his wife just sold their house and will be moving. Dan Heilman had confirmed by email that Trish and he had just completed a three-year term (split between them) and declined to continue. We will check with Gwen Watt to determine her level of interest in continuing.
It was determined that a mailing be sent to notify the 61 homeowners that there is a one, two, and a three year vacancy on the Board, and to solicit interested individuals to participate. A flyer was drafted outlining what the THHA has accomplished over the past ten years and noting that board member responsibility is to attend ten 1-hour board meetings during the year.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Marjorie Wilson Secretary
Next meeting date: Monday, March 13, 2006
Note Corrections to 2006 Roster:
Fougle correct to Fougli.
Allan Ark correct to Alan Ark.
Delete Heilman and Edwards from Board Roster.