Spring Newsletter - Mar 28, 2020


As we try to adjust to the new norm in the attempt to “flatten the curve” of this COVID-19 Pandemic, one thing I’d like to do is give a “shout out” to the amazing women in our neighborhood who are doing heroic work to help save lives with the massive project — 100 Million Mask Challenge.

Providence Hospital is requesting communities to come together and make masks for health care providers. St. Vincent’s Hospital reported that they were down to one mask per person per week. Many women in our neighborhood answered the call to do their part — purchasing appropriate fabric, washing and ironing the fabric, cutting the needed size pieces, sewing the pieces into a mask and delivering to Providence St. Vincent’s. All this has been done while following the recommended safety precautions to prevent COVID-19 Community Spread. Others have donated money to help with this project.

I’m not going to send the usual Spring Newsletter update but will focus this on recognizing the women who I know have been working on this project. I’m sure there are others that I’m not aware of (including their family members) so I apologize for any I’ve missed. If you know of any others, feel free to respond to this email with the names of others.

Many thanks to Mary Taylor, Pam Head, Angie Mitlehner, Lori Quiring, Prachee Bhatnagar, Priya Srikanth, Liany Foe, Molly Shum, Karen Cross, Rosemary Casamassa, and Jennifer Mannino, who, as a bio chemist and health care worker, was able to provide the recommended precautions to follow in producing the masks to prevent community spread. And, again, I apologize for those I haven’t mentioned but who have been involved with this.

There is a new Facebook page you can access to get updates on this project and what more might be needed as well as to post any other needs or concerns you might have. — “Thompson Highland Neighbors” is the name of the page. Check it out. You can offer to help make masks on this site too.

It looks like everyone has been very conscientious in doing their part to “STAY HOME” as much as possible. But if anyone needs anything or is feeling too isolated, please reach out to the THHA Board at board @thha.org and we’ll get back to you to find out how we can help.

One more thing to mention in this newsletter:

You may have noticed vandalism on the brick walls on HIbbard near the entrance. There was a “slogan” in black paint on one wall and some inappropriate figures in white paint on the opposite wall. The THHA Board will use recommended solutions to try to remove this graffiti and hope we don’t have to hire a professional. In addition nearby neighbors had similar graffiti painted on their wooden fence as well as 2 hypodermic needles dropped in bushes on the property. These incidents have been reported to police to help them in tracking vandalism in the community. If you have any other vandalism please report to police and you can let THHA Board know as well so we can be familiar with what’s going on in the neighborhood.

On a positive note, even though we are sheltering in place now, we can still get out and walk in family groups and Home Depot will deliver if you want to order flowers to plant in your yard — free delivery if your order is at least $45 (last time I checked their website). There are books in the Little Free Library but wear gloves to access books and place them in a paper bag to carry home and leave untouched for 24 hrs or even as long as 3 days if you can wait that long.

Stay safe neighbors — and it’s fun seeing everyone out walking their dogs!!!!

Pat Goodell On behalf of THHA Board board@thha.org


Spring Newsletter - May 12, 2022


Winter 2019 Newsletter - Jan 14, 2019