Spring Newsletter - Apr 1, 2016

Thompson Highlands Homeowners Association

Spring has sprung, the Grass has “Riz”, I wonder where my lawn mower is?

Important Neighborhood News: Maintenance and upgrades of Thompson Highlands Entrance and brick walls bordering our neighborhood on Thompson Rd was to be a priority of the HOA in the near future. But the planned construction of a new subdivision on Thompson Rd across the street from Hibbard is causing us to be cautious in moving forward since the construction project may have an impact on the entrance to our neighborhood. We don’t want to spend money on anything that might ultimately be damaged by the trucks used for construction work going on across the street from our entrance. Therefore, for now, we plan to limit the work to some pruning and shaping of existing plants and trees; moss removal and general clean up of existing rocks; amend the soil and improve drainage around the existing plants; remove some dead trees; trim branches away from the brick walls to limit damage to grout in the bricks (moisture from overhanging branches is causing the grout to deteriorate and weaken the bricks).
Those who back up to the wall may have a visit from some Board members requesting access to your yard so the branches can be trimmed back from the wall in the next few months.

We’re fortunate that one of our neighbors who is a Master Gardener has volunteered to supervise the maintenance of the entrance area. Once we have a better idea of the impact the new construction across the road will have on our entrance, we will expand the project to more extensive improvements.

Save the Date!!!! We’ve chosen the date for our Annual Thompson Highlands Neighborhood Picnic — Sunday, September 11, 2016. We’re looking for great weather and lots of neighbors to join us. No theme has been picked yet so we’re open to suggestions. We need your ideas for theme and menu suggestions by our next Board meeting, June 6. We also need neighbors to volunteer to help the Board with various details of this annual event. The Board has so much fun putting this all together and we hate to keep all the fun to ourselves. More details to follow once we choose the theme and menu.

Children at Play Signs were distributed to several homes in the neighborhood in 2008.
Since many of those homes may no longer have “children at play”, if you still have a sign can you donate it to one of your neighbors who might be able to use it or return it to one of the Board members for us to give to some family who could use it.

Welcoming New Neighbors: There are 2 Thompson Highland homes with new owners. Welcome to Jeka and Alex Lyakhov and their 3 children who recently purchased their home at 12447 NW Welsh Dr. We also have new neighbors at 3948 NW Loy Court — unfortunately we haven’t been able to confirm their names yet. We’ve been told their names by others, but we haven’t been able to meet them yet to confirm so I hesitate to put it in this newsletter. If anyone has met them yet, please let one of us know how to contact them to welcome them. And if anyone meets any other new neighbors who we aren’t aware of, please update us.

Thanks for all your efforts to make this the attractive neighborhood that it is. And thanks for remembering to request approval for improvements to your home. This helps to maintain and improve the value of our homes. You will be pleasantly surprised at how much the values have increased this year— ask your favorite Realtor if you’d like an idea of what your home’s value is.
One important maintenance reminder — trim branches of all trees so that they don’t hang any lower than 7’ over sidewalk and trim bushes away from the sidewalk. This is not only a CC&R requirement but Washington County’s as well. at our monthly Board meetings to have an idea of what’s happening in Thompson Highlands and vicinity. A newsletter will be forwarded separately that gives some information about the construction that will begin in the near future on Thompson across from Hibbard Dr.

Thompson Highlands HOA Board has a new President and a new Board member: Pat Goodell was elected to be President by Homeowners via ballot included in Winter Dues Statements. And we’re happy to welcome Cary Williams to the Board.
We appreciate your thoughts, suggestions, requests, and attendance at our meetings.

Contact any one of us anytime.


News for the Neighborhood - Feb 9, 2017