News for the Neighborhood - Feb 9, 2017
Feb 9, 2017 - News for the Neighborhood
The THHA Board wants to update you on a few topics you might be interested in:
Some of you may be aware that two postal box units in our neighborhood were broken into destroying the lock that the postal deliverer uses to open the box from the street side. Mail was stolen from all the boxes in those units. The Board paid for purchase and installation of the new locks at $90 per box. This was done to facilitate the repair and so that mail delivery could be resumed to affected homeowners. The Board has also decided to have those more secure locks installed on all mail box units in Thompson Highlands with a “group” price rate of $60 ea. You may see a man in a white pick up truck installing them in the near future. This won’t effect mail delivery at all and there’s no reason for you to even be aware that the new lock has been installed unless you look at the box from the street side. You might want to look at the current lock and then compare to what it looks like in several weeks. Apparently anyone looking to break into a mailbox looks for the older locks like we currently have but just drives on by the newer locks that are much more secure. This break-in occurred in the middle of the night so you may want to make sure you pick up your mail daily rather than let it sit in the box overnight until new locks are installed.
Our neighborhood has been identified as being within the area adversely affected by the destructive Japanese Beetle, so the Oregon Department of Agriculture is planning an aggressive campaign to eradicate them. There are 2 Open Houses planned to obtain more information. March 4, 9:30 am-12:30 pm Leedy Grange Hall; and March 6, 5:15 pm - 7:15 pm Cedar Mill Library. Yo can also go to to sign up to receive updated information about when the “campaign” will begin in our area.
Powell Quiring has developed a new and more user-friendly THHA website — same address — He’s currently in the process of adding previous years’ THHA Board minutes and pictures from previous picnics and other pertinent information. With this new website, it’ll be easier for him to add current minutes. You might want to look at these twhat has been discussed at Board meeting. As always, you are welcome to attend our meetings. Current minutes will of the date of next meeting. Always check with one of us before coming though because occasionally we have to reschedule those meetings.
The Board was provided information about rates for hiring a snow removal company in the event of future snow events as we had this winter. There is only one company in our area who charges by the hour and he only responds on a first call, first response basis. The Board has rejected the option of a contract snow removal company due to the cost and unknown need but we will consider the possibility of hiring the on-call snow removal company if we are able to determine how effective and responsive they would be. Another neighborhood nearby paid several thousand dollars for snow removal in recent snowstorm and were very unhappy with the results so we don’t want to be in that position.
What are the Beaverton School District and Washington County doing to prevent school overcrowding? Mon., Feb. 13, 7 pm, Terra Linda School cafeteria, 1998 NW 143rd Ave. A joint meeting for residents of CPO 1 & 7 (from Cedar Hills to Bethany) will be held to address this important question. The meeting is free and open to the public. be followed by ample time for audience questions, beginning at 8:15.
Please confirm that we have the correct phone # in the roster that was sent out with recent dues statement. Some people have canceled their land line but we still have this as your contact phone # in the roster. Let us know if there is a new phone # we should be using please. Thanks.
Thanks to all who have been so prompt in returning their HOA dues.
There are hopeful signs of spring — crocus and daffodil sprouts peeping up here and there throughout the neighborhood. YAY!!!!!